dodeeric / langchain-ai-assistant-with-hybrid-rag

This is a LLM chatbot coded with LangChain. The web interface is coded with Streamlit. It implements a hybrid RAG (keyword and semantic search) and chat memory.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 1 forks source link

Create a Docker image for my app #48

Open dodeeric opened 3 weeks ago

dodeeric commented 3 weeks ago

Create a docker image for my app

Remove the JSON and PDF files before.

dodeeric commented 3 weeks ago Streamlit + Traefik + Docker

dodeeric commented 3 weeks ago

to make the image: delete the json / pdf files

and test all the functionalities?

scrape web pages scrape commons categories upload pdf files upload json files upload SA key embed files test chat, chat history, chat history limit, streaming, etc.

dodeeric commented 6 days ago

FROM python:3.11 WORKDIR /code COPY requirements.txt . RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt COPY . . EXPOSE 50505 ENTRYPOINT ["gunicorn", "app:app"]


FROM python:3.11 WORKDIR /code COPY . . RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt EXPOSE 50505 ENTRYPOINT ["gunicorn", "app:app"]