dodogang / plume

A Minecraft library mod for all of Dodo Gang's feathery code.
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Standardize usage of final classes, private constructors, @SuppressWarnings, and @ApiStatus #10

Open Trikzon opened 3 years ago

Trikzon commented 3 years ago

After the cosmetics pr is complete, we should standardize the uses of these language features.

Final Classes

I'm for removing all our final class uses. It's pointless to use imo.

Private constructors

I think that all of our static-only method classes should have a private no argument constructor.


I usually don't ever use these, so I'd like feedback on how we should standardize its usage. Right now it feels like @andantedevs is adding them kinda at random rather than every time they could be used.


I think we should take full use of this annotation. I think it might break compatibility with non-jetbrains editors, but I'm not too worried for that tbh

andantet commented 3 years ago


Having worked by myself for a while, my usage of this is kind of instinctive, but the basis is 'if it's creating an unnecessary warning, add a suppression'

Trikzon commented 3 years ago

Do you generally look at warnings when writing code? I've grown to just institutionally ignore them, but I do get where you're coming from

andantet commented 3 years ago

I'm one for a clean warnings gutter lmao