dodola / RocooFix

another hotfix framework
MIT License
1.57k stars 292 forks source link

动态修复崩溃 #24

Closed Dongzzzz closed 8 years ago

Dongzzzz commented 8 years ago

三星Note3 系统5.0 以下是执行runtimefix 时输出的log

06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f09734
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f09738
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f0973c
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f09724
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f071ac
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f071a4
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f07188
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f0718c
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f07190
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f07198
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f0719c
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Malloc memory, size : 144
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0xffffffffb427f000
06-02 16:48:25.269 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun D/#######: Write Memory to 0x77f071a8
06-02 16:48:27.309 30682-30682/cn.eclicks.chelun A/libc: Fatal signal 4 (SIGILL), code 1, fault addr 0xb427f038 in tid 30682 (.eclicks.chelun)
06-02 16:48:27.419 295-295/? I/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
06-02 16:48:27.419 295-295/? I/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'samsung/h3gduoszn/hlte:5.0/LRX21V/N9002ZNUGPA1:user/release-keys'
06-02 16:48:27.419 295-295/? I/DEBUG: Revision: '8'
06-02 16:48:27.419 295-295/? I/DEBUG: ABI: 'arm'
06-02 16:48:27.419 295-295/? I/DEBUG: pid: 30682, tid: 30682, name: .eclicks.chelun  >>> cn.eclicks.chelun <<<
06-02 16:48:27.419 295-295/? I/DEBUG: signal 4 (SIGILL), code 1 (ILL_ILLOPC), fault addr 0xb427f038
06-02 16:48:27.419 318-566/? D/Sensorhubs: readContextData: 1, 1, 7, -1
06-02 16:48:27.419 965-1118/? D/SensorHubManager: onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 7, -1
06-02 16:48:27.419 965-965/? D/CAE: onGetSensorHubData( - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP
06-02 16:48:27.419 965-965/? I/CAE: parse( - buffer size = 4
06-02 16:48:27.419 295-295/? I/DEBUG:     r0 77f07180  r1 12d24440  r2 00000000  r3 00000000
06-02 16:48:27.419 295-295/? I/DEBUG:     r4 000002b0  r5 70983f80  r6 12d24440  r7 12c33100
06-02 16:48:27.419 295-295/? I/DEBUG:     r8 12c922c0  r9 b4e07800  sl 00000000  fp 12d24440
06-02 16:48:27.419 295-295/? I/DEBUG:     ip afdba850  sp be81ed30  lr 75c32b99  pc b427f038  cpsr 000b0010
06-02 16:48:27.429 295-295/? I/DEBUG: backtrace:
06-02 16:48:27.429 295-295/? I/DEBUG:     #00 pc 00000038  <unknown>
06-02 16:48:27.429 295-295/? I/DEBUG:     #01 pc 01017b97  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat
06-02 16:48:27.429 965-965/? I/CAE: parse( - 1, 1, 7, -1,
06-02 16:48:27.429 965-965/? D/CAE: display( - ================= AUTO_ROTATION =================
06-02 16:48:27.429 965-965/? I/CAE: display( - Angle=[-1]
06-02 16:48:27.429 965-965/? D/SContextService: updateSContext() : event = Auto Rotation
06-02 16:48:27.869 965-1485/? W/ActivityManager: getTasks: caller 10354 does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output
06-02 16:48:27.879 965-30832/? W/ActivityManager:   Force finishing activity cn.eclicks.chelun/.DemoActivity8
06-02 16:48:27.889 295-295/? I/DEBUG: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_04

                                      [ 06-02 16:48:27.889   295:  295 E/         ]
                                      ro.product_ship = true

                                      [ 06-02 16:48:27.889   295:  295 E/         ]
                                      ro.debug_level = 0x4f4c
06-02 16:48:27.889 2132-2132/? E/audit: type=1701 msg=audit(1464857307.889:212): auid=4294967295 uid=10512 gid=10512 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0 pid=30682 comm=".eclicks.chelun" reason="memory violation" sig=4
06-02 16:48:27.889 965-1062/? I/BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_04 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
06-02 16:48:27.909 965-30832/? W/ActivityManager:   Force finishing activity cn.eclicks.chelun/.DemoActivity7
06-02 16:48:27.909 965-30832/? D/FocusedStackFrame: Set to : 0
06-02 16:48:27.929 965-30837/? E/android.os.Debug: ro.product_ship = true
06-02 16:48:27.929 965-30837/? E/android.os.Debug: ro.debug_level = 0x4f4c
06-02 16:48:27.929 965-1325/? I/WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{d1f97d3 u0 cn.eclicks.chelun/cn.eclicks.chelun.DemoActivity7}
06-02 16:48:27.939 965-1064/? D/StatusBarManagerService: manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams
06-02 16:48:27.949 965-1066/? D/PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0
06-02 16:48:27.949 965-1066/? D/PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
06-02 16:48:27.949 965-1066/? D/PointerIcon: setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0
06-02 16:48:27.949 965-1066/? D/PointerIcon: setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1
06-02 16:48:27.949 965-1638/? I/ActivityManager: Process cn.eclicks.chelun (pid 30682)(adj 0) has died(91,867)
06-02 16:48:27.949 965-1638/? D/ActivityManager: isAutoRunBlockedApp:: cn.eclicks.chelun, Auto Run ON
06-02 16:48:27.949 1479-1479/? D/SurfaceWidgetView: destroyHardwareResources():204262286
06-02 16:48:27.959 1479-1479/? D/Launcher: onRestart, Launcher: 368249614
06-02 16:48:27.969 965-1526/? D/ActivityManager: startService callerProcessName:com.qihoo.appstore, calleePkgName: com.qihoo.appstore
06-02 16:48:27.969 1479-1479/? D/Launcher: onStart, Launcher: 368249614
06-02 16:48:27.969 1479-1479/? D/Launcher.HomeView: onStart
06-02 16:48:27.969 1479-1479/? D/Launcher: onResume, Launcher: 368249614
06-02 16:48:27.969 965-1526/? D/ActivityManager:, r.packageName :com.qihoo.appstore
06-02 16:48:27.969 965-1581/? D/SettingsProvider: name = kids_home_mode
06-02 16:48:27.969 965-1581/? D/SettingsProvider: edmUri: content://com.sec.knox.provider/RestrictionPolicy3
06-02 16:48:27.969 965-1581/? D/SettingsProvider: projectionArgs: isSettingsChangesAllowed
06-02 16:48:27.969 965-1581/? D/SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: false
06-02 16:48:27.969 965-1581/? D/SettingsProvider: selectionArgs: 10051
06-02 16:48:27.969 965-1581/? D/SecContentProvider: uri = 17 selection = isSettingsChangesAllowed
06-02 16:48:27.969 965-1581/? D/SettingsProvider: ret = -1
06-02 16:48:27.969 1479-1479/? D/Launcher.HomeView: onResume
06-02 16:48:27.969 965-3679/? D/ConnectivityService: returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "chelun", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false]
06-02 16:48:27.979 260-260/? I/SurfaceFlinger: id=373 createSurf (49x49),1 flag=4, dhelun
06-02 16:48:27.979 330-330/? I/Zygote: Process 30682 exited due to signal (4)
06-02 16:48:27.989 965-1179/? I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
06-02 16:48:27.999 1479-1479/? D/Launcher: Launcher::setSystemUiTransparency(): getSystemUiVisibility() after setting  = 40000000
06-02 16:48:27.999 965-1179/? I/OpenGLRenderer: HWUI protection enabled for context ,  &this =0xa0888f88 ,&mEglDisplay = 1 , &mEglConfig = 8 
06-02 16:48:27.999 1479-1479/? D/MenuAppsGridFragment: onResume
06-02 16:48:28.009 2058-9510/? D/SurfaceWidgetClient$ISurfaceWidgetStub: [237392/8] Surface widget visibility changed visibility = true on instance = 1
06-02 16:48:28.009 2058-2195/? D/SurfaceWidget.Renderer: [237392/8] SurfaceWidget drawing first frame
06-02 16:48:28.009 2058-2195/? D/cmaweather: [Cmaweather J]>>> WR:641 [0:0] onGLDraw : BG texture = 42
06-02 16:48:28.009 965-981/? D/ActivityManager: handle home activity for 0
06-02 16:48:28.009 965-981/? I/WallpaperManagerService: switchPersonaWallpaper is called for personaId-0
06-02 16:48:28.009 965-981/? D/KnoxTimeoutHandler: post home show event for user 0
06-02 16:48:28.009 965-981/? D/ActivityManager: post active user change for 0
06-02 16:48:28.009 965-981/? D/KnoxTimeoutHandler: postActiveUserChange for user 0
06-02 16:48:28.009 965-965/? D/WallpaperManagerService:  force update = false; persona id = 0; current user =0; current persona = 0
06-02 16:48:28.009 965-965/? D/KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleHomeShow for 0 and current 0
06-02 16:48:28.009 965-965/? D/KnoxTimeoutHandler: handleActiveUserChange for user 0
06-02 16:48:28.019 260-260/? I/SurfaceFlinger: id=374 createSurf (1080x1920),1 flag=4, Mauncher
06-02 16:48:28.039 13273-13273/? I/MultiWindowTrayService: mHomeResumeReceiver : onReceive
06-02 16:48:28.039 965-1059/? D/ActivityManager: isAutoRunBlockedApp::, Auto Run ON
06-02 16:48:28.039 13273-13273/? I/Sally Service: removeWindow window
06-02 16:48:28.049 13941-13941/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:533 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:533 
06-02 16:48:28.049 965-1656/? D/ActivityManager: startService, calleePkgName:
06-02 16:48:28.049 965-1582/? W/NetworkStats: getDevHistory: NetworkStatsHistory: bucketDuration=3600000
06-02 16:48:28.049 965-1582/? W/NetworkStats: getXtHistory: NetworkStatsHistory: bucketDuration=3600000
06-02 16:48:28.049 965-1582/? W/NetworkStats: getDev2History: NetworkStatsHistory: bucketDuration=3600000
06-02 16:48:28.049 965-1656/? D/ActivityManager:, r.packageName
06-02 16:48:28.059 965-1638/? D/ActivityManager: isAutoRunBlockedApp::, Auto Run ON
06-02 16:48:28.059 965-1223/? W/NetworkStats: getDevHistory: NetworkStatsHistory: bucketDuration=3600000
06-02 16:48:28.059 965-1223/? W/NetworkStats: getXtHistory: NetworkStatsHistory: bucketDuration=3600000
06-02 16:48:28.059 965-1223/? W/NetworkStats: getDev2History: NetworkStatsHistory: bucketDuration=3600000
06-02 16:48:28.069 1479-1479/? D/SurfaceWidgetView: getHardwareLayer being called directly
06-02 16:48:28.079 965-965/? D/CrashAnrDetector: Build: samsung/h3gduoszn/hlte:5.0/LRX21V/N9002ZNUGPA1:user/release-keys
                                                 Hardware: MSM8974
                                                 Revision: 8
                                                 Bootloader: N9002ZNUGPA1
                                                 Radio: unknown
                                                 Kernel: Linux version 3.4.0-6343372 (dpi@SWHD7412) (gcc version 4.8 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jan 5 21:48:31 KST 2016

                                                 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
                                                 Build fingerprint: 'samsung/h3gduoszn/hlte:5.0/LRX21V/N9002ZNUGPA1:user/release-keys'
                                                 Revision: '8'
                                                 ABI: 'arm'
                                                 pid: 30682, tid: 30682, name: .eclicks.chelun  >>> cn.eclicks.chelun <<<
                                                 signal 4 (SIGILL), code 1 (ILL_ILLOPC), fault addr 0xb427f038
                                                     r0 77f07180  r1 12d24440  r2 00000000  r3 00000000
                                                     r4 000002b0  r5 70983f80  r6 12d24440  r7 12c33100
                                                     r8 12c922c0  r9 b4e07800  sl 00000000  fp 12d24440
                                                     ip afdba850  sp be81ed30  lr 75c32b99  pc b427f038  cpsr 000b0010
                                                     d0  0000000000000003  d1  00000011000000da
                                                     d2  0000000000000000  d3  0000000400000068
                                                     d4  4000140000000000  d5  0106014b01000008
                                                     d6  4000140000000000  d7  010304da01000008
                                                     d8  3e8000003f400000  d9  0000000000000000
                                                     d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
                                                     d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
                                                     d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
                                                     d16 00650067fffafafa  d17 0000006700000072
                                                     d18 002e00640069006f  d19 002e007000700061
                                                     d20 0074006300410049  d21 0074006900760069
                                                     d22 006e0061004d0079  d23 0072006500670061
                                                     d24 0000000000000000  d25 0000000000000000
                                                     d26 3ff0000000000000  d27 0000000000000000
                                                     d28 3ff0000000000000  d29 0000000000000000
                                                     d30 0000000000000000  d31 0000000000000000
                                                     scr 80000013

                                                     #00 pc 00000038  <unknown>
                                                     #01 pc 01017b97  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat

                                                          be81ecb0  722ff848  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          be81ecb4  70982f78  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          be81ecb8  00000006  
                                                          be81ecbc  12dd3600  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ecc0  12d24440  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ecc4  12d78190  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ecc8  12dd3740  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81eccc  75c307d1  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat
                                                          be81ecd0  70982f78  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          be81ecd4  12d24440  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ecd8  ffffffff  
                                                          be81ecdc  00000000  
                                                          be81ece0  ff00a5c4  
                                                          be81ece4  00000000  
                                                          be81ece8  ff00a5c4  
                                                          be81ecec  fffafafa  
                                                          be81ecf0  70bb1590  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          be81ecf4  70b716b0  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          be81ecf8  00000000  
                                                          be81ecfc  00000000  
                                                          be81ed00  70b716b0  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          be81ed04  12d24440  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ed08  12dd3600  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ed0c  7097b398  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          be81ed10  70981fb8  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          be81ed14  12dd3620  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ed18  7f09008a  
                                                          be81ed1c  75655223  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat
                                                          be81ed20  70983f80  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          be81ed24  12d24440  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ed28  12c33100  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ed2c  75c32b75  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat
                                                     #00  be81ed30  70983f80  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          ........  ........
                                                     #01  be81ed30  70983f80  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/
                                                          be81ed34  12c96140  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ed38  12dce3d0  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ed3c  12c922c0  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ed40  12dd35c0  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-main space (deleted)
                                                          be81ed44  12d24440  /dev/ashmem/dalvi
06-02 16:48:28.079 965-965/? D/CrashAnrDetector: processName:cn.eclicks.chelun
06-02 16:48:28.079 965-965/? D/CrashAnrDetector: broadcastEvent : cn.eclicks.chelun SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE
06-02 16:48:28.079 965-965/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$100:60$1.onReceive:102 
06-02 16:48:28.079 2187-2187/? W/Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
06-02 16:48:28.089 965-1656/? D/ActivityManager: isAutoRunBlockedApp::, Auto Run ON
06-02 16:48:28.089 25625-25625/? D/GalleryCacheReady: Receive : home resume
Dongzzzz commented 8 years ago

小米2 系统4.1.1

展示:2个页面 Activity7 Activity8.
目标:在Activity7进行动态修复 替换Activity8的onCreate方法, 在onCreate方法中为Activity8页面注册点击事件。事件输出log


  1. 在Activity7页面点击进行runtimefix。(替换方法成功)
  2. 点击进入Activity8,点击Activity8页面输出log。
  3. 退出Activity8。 程序崩溃


06-02 17:31:37.934 28969-28969/cn.eclicks.chelun A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000064 (code=1), thread 28969 (.eclicks.chelun)
06-02 17:31:38.034 171-171/? I/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
06-02 17:31:38.034 171-171/? I/DEBUG: Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/aries/aries:4.1.1/JRO03L/JLB52.0:user/release-keys'
06-02 17:31:38.034 171-171/? I/DEBUG: pid: 28969, tid: 28969, name: .eclicks.chelun  >>> cn.eclicks.chelun <<<
06-02 17:31:38.034 171-171/? I/DEBUG: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000064
06-02 17:31:38.134 30380-30380/? A/libc: Fatal signal 13 (SIGPIPE) at 0x000076ac (code=0), thread 30380 (sh)
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     r0 626e7d60  r1 00000d92  r2 00000019  r3 00000000
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     r4 63d43814  r5 40252cc8  r6 4013c0b0  r7 0000106e
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     r8 412fcd00  r9 4216f548  sl 00000000  fp 42182b10
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     ip 0000006e  sp bef70770  lr 00000000  pc 41301578  cpsr 20000010
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d0  0000000000000022  d1  0000001100000007
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d2  0000000000000000  d3  00000004000000b0
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d4  41542de800000009  d5  65acce480000000a
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d6  664c07280000000b  d7  664c1bc00000000c
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d16 7fffffffffffffff  d17 7fffffffffffffff
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d18 0000000000000000  d19 006f006900730073
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d20 0000002d0000006e  d21 0000000200000001
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d22 0000010100000005  d23 0000000400000001
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d24 0008000700060004  d25 000a0008000a0009
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d26 0000000000000000  d27 0000000000000000
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d28 3fe0000000000000  d29 0000000000000001
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     d30 000a000a000a000a  d31 0000000000000000
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     scr 68000012
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG: backtrace:
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #00  pc 00024578  /system/lib/ (dvmAsmSisterStart+2168)
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #01  pc 0002d7e8  /system/lib/ (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180)
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #02  pc 000601db  /system/lib/ (dvmInvokeMethod(Object*, Method const*, ArrayObject*, ArrayObject*, ClassObject*, bool)+374)
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #03  pc 00067199  /system/lib/
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #04  pc 00029020  /system/lib/
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #05  pc 0002d7e8  /system/lib/ (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180)
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #06  pc 0005ff31  /system/lib/ (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+272)
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #07  pc 0004aee7  /system/lib/
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #08  pc 00048c75  /system/lib/
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #09  pc 00049691  /system/lib/ (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, char const*)+368)
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #10  pc 00000dcf  /system/bin/app_process
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG: stack:
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70730  40035a60  
06-02 17:31:38.134 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70734  40035a60  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70738  420fc2b8  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7073c  000089b0  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70740  00000004  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70744  401a77d0  /system/lib/
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70748  4138ba38  /system/lib/
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7074c  8995a1ca  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70750  000010f2  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70754  4018286f  /system/lib/ (lrand48+14)
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70758  4013c0b0  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7075c  41350ead  /system/lib/ (dvmJitCheckTraceRequest+296)
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70760  63face74  /data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@framework.jar@classes.dex
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70764  40252cc8  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70768  df0027ad  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7076c  00000000  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #00  bef70770  665841b4  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70774  4013c0b0  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70778  41385c5c  /system/lib/
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7077c  626dccd0  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70780  00000000  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70784  bef707a4  [stack]
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70788  bef70848  [stack]
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7078c  00000000  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70790  42082844  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70794  4130a7ec  /system/lib/ (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+184)
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #01  bef70798  bef707c8  [stack]
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7079c  41323de3  /system/lib/ (dvmHashTableLookup(HashTable*, unsigned int, void*, int (*)(void const*, void const*), bool)+50)
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707a0  4138b578  /system/lib/
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707a4  64096be8  /data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@framework.jar@classes.dex
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707a8  40252ec8  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707ac  6260b390  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707b0  62242000  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-aux-structure (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707b4  42082798  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707b8  b90600d9  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707bc  bef708e0  [stack]
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707c0  00000000  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707c4  bef70914  [stack]
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707c8  00000000  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707cc  00000000  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707d0  00000000  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef707d4  00000000  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          ........  ........
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:     #02  bef70828  00000003  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7082c  4013c0b0  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70830  00000050  
06-02 17:31:38.144 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70834  626dccd0  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70838  4013c0b0  
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7083c  4162f2a8  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70840  42082740  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70844  401b3a6c  
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70848  42070018  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7084c  00000014  
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70850  00000001  
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70854  401ea66b  /system/lib/ (mspace_calloc+56)
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70858  4013c008  
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef7085c  4138d2c0  
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70860  42082830  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
06-02 17:31:38.154 171-171/? I/DEBUG:          bef70864  4134b5b5  /system/lib/ (dvmHeapSourceAlloc(unsigned int)+76)
dodola commented 8 years ago

@Dongzzzz 已经修复,我这5.0已经不崩溃了,你看看你那