dodorare / crossbow

Cross-Platform build tools and toolkit for games and game engines written in Rust! 🦀
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See anything on the android screen #157

Closed maxsilnov closed 2 years ago

maxsilnov commented 2 years ago

Crossbow version


[package] name = "bevy-2d" version = "0.1.3" authors = ["DodoRare Team"] edition = "2021"

[dependencies] log = "0.4" anyhow = "1.0" bevy = { version = "0.8.1", default-features = false, features = ["bevy_winit", "render", "bevy_asset"] } crossbow = "0.2.2"

[package.metadata] app_name = "Bevy 2D" version_code = 1 target_sdk_version = 30

android_package_name = "com.example.bevy_2d" android_build_targets = ["aarch64-linux-android"] android_assets = "assets" android_res = "res/android"

Additional information

**Hi again!

Now the next problem: with the "bevy" template on Android, a black screen appears and nothing else. Do I need to use something else to display the template?**

And //! Shows how to render a polygonal [Mesh], generated from a [Quad] primitive, in a 2D scene.

use bevy::{prelude::*, sprite::MaterialMesh2dBundle};

fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_startup_system(setup) .run(); }

fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets>, mut materials: ResMut<Assets>, ) { commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle::default()); commands.spawn_bundle(MaterialMesh2dBundle { mesh: meshes.add(Mesh::from(shape::Quad::default())).into(), transform: Transform::default().with_scale(Vec3::splat(128.)), material: materials.add(ColorMaterial::from(Color::PURPLE)), ..default() }); }

enfipy commented 2 years ago

Oh, sorry, mate. I think this template is completely outdated... You may consider take one of the examples and modifying it (here's the update Metadata in Cargo.toml). We updated our Crossbow metadata to support complete Info.plist and AndroidManifest.xml - so the configuration should be like in this docs.

maxsilnov commented 2 years ago

Thanks, everything works!