Closed dodying closed 7 years ago
I'm on 2.73, settings still save even when the "Apply" button isn't clicked.
Some settings are inherited from previous versions.建议:在取消勾选自动遭遇时,不影响手动打开的news页面(只有点击遭遇链接后才跳回hv)。
For example, go into settings, change anything you want. Click on "Cancel" or refresh the page. Go back into the settings and you'll see that changes are made even though you didn't click "Apply". img
I have a hotkey, the "Pause/Break" key, sometimes I click on the "Pause" button manually, but I tried testing this again with a idle of 5 seconds and it was still paused so maybe it was something else. But lol yeah, I should just close the tab when I'm away. xD
How do I set conditions on the "Supportive Spells" tab so that it works the way it did before? There aren't any numbers I can put on the conditions (i.e HP Draughts at 60% and Spirit Draughts at 70%).
不知道為什麼 不會用Mana Draught 找到了 在buff那裏 不看源碼不知道 Main的1.2.3.是什麼= =
2.73b的时候自动遭遇没问题 但在2.73c,我在chrome上 这地址里脚本没有启用……tampermonkey直接就是没有显示出hvautoattack启用选项。所以自动遭遇弹到news页面却跳不回去 而我将脚本里这地址替换成原来的 又可以正常使用……
2.73c 马炮那里设置OC值无效,到了200就放 然后OC值就一直在200附近徘徊...
@robinwar 是无效的……因为判定改了,oc>多少那个框现在是无效的,要手动添加规则,oc,3,210什么的,一二三阶技能也是。
@dodying 说起这个,脚本里的马炮的默认oc设定为最少200,但是看代码似乎只有在ss状态下启用,这样oc值至少需要210。
那个设定OC是用来设置什么时候开启Spirit Stance的...(勾选仅当以下技能可以施放时开启Spirit Stance,否则关闭Spirit Stance
@WinAu 我用的就是Firefox,你不说我还真不知道...
@dodying 没想明白,目前的状况是都勾选就是只有放马炮时才开ss,都不选时就不会放马炮,只选第二条时OC值设定无效.我现在是用同winau一样的方法设定后可以像以前版本一样使用,并无法做到需要时关闭SS一次的效果.至少对于盾战来说,并不想只放马炮时才开SS,马炮CD时普攻也要开SS的.
I wasn't sure where to post this since there isn't a thread for other suggestions. Sorry if I posted in the wrong place.
Now that there's auto Random Encounter, auto attack, auto feed monsters, maybe there should be an "auto sell" feature as well? For example: Selling fine/crude/average/superior/exquisite/magnificent/legendary equips if >[xxx] credits, salvage otherwise Skip certain equipments (example: level unassigned, certain level ranges [0-xxx])
反馈一个bug: 1.小马图过了之后不会自动继续攻击,需要进行一次操作才会继续。 然后一个建议: 1.是否能增加一个战斗后自动回蓝。可以增加一条战后自动恢复(HP,MP,SP)。然后给出三个选项,需要的勾上,不需要的不用勾上。 Tampermonkey® 4.2.7 Chrome 版本 58.0.3029.81 (64-bit)
@robinwar 我覺得加一個OC < XX (eg 210)就關SS的選項就可以解決
@robinwar img 如图所示,我两种情况都能正常使用特殊技能,希望能给你起到参考的作用
@drkui The feature is not about the battle, and I'll not add it into the script. But, I had wrote a script to make you sell equip more quickly The usage: img
1.应该不是 看了损失记录 没有内容(好像因为网络原因没法上传txt文档? 战斗时有RiddleLimiter Plus,HV Random Encounter Notification是生效的。但是尝试了关掉,也还是会出问题。
Yup, I saw that script and I tried using it before, but I feel like it's missing a few things.
For example, let's say I have "Magnificent Cotton Gloves of Warding" that has a Bazaar sell value of 1100 credits.
In the WTB forum, High-Grade Cloth is worth about 18000 credits. Since you get 1 High-Grade Cloth and 3 Scrap Cloth from salvaging "Magnificent Cotton Gloves of Warding", it makes more sense to salvage it to sell to other players than to Bazaar it.
This also applies to fine/crude/average/exquisite equipment as well, where salvaging is better than selling it to the Bazaar.
Using hvAutoAttack generates a lot of fine/crude/average/exquisite equipment. I just thought it would be nice to sell/salvage everything in one click if their Bazaar sell value was < XXX credits. It would be far too much work to check every piece of equipment for their Bazaar price and lock it if it's > XXX credits.
建议: 1.遭遇跳转前recover all 2.自动逃跑的随机round值在战斗开始时生成,或者只求值一次,现版本貌似每turn求一次值使得90%情况都是最小值round时逃跑,随机并无意义。 3.自动逃跑加入只在gf生效的选项。
@Melaleucake RiddleLimiter Plus是BOT内置的 还是独立插件呢 若为后者 请关掉它改用BOT内置的插件试试
Hi I know you are aware that 當小馬答題時,彈出警告框 does not work for chrome. However, this used to work in version 2.70. I hope that it can work for chrome soon since the turns/second on chrome is faster than firefox. Thank you
@OuOmmmmmr @dodying 嗯,RiddleLimiter Plus换成内置的就没问题了。。。 看来是插件冲突了。
@OuOmmmmmr @Melaleucake 感谢@OuOmmmmmr的帮助,要是不说,我都不知道...
@drkui I may make this a new script these days.
@cerealumineko ok, it'll come back.
Hello, I like a lot this program. I wonder if it's possible to have the first tier in "Offensive Spells Conditions" (for kill the 3 last enemy with physical for example).
@xavdel Maybe you mistake "Offensive Spells" with "Weapon Skills". This options are just opened for the mages.
我貌似找到原因了 作者你的dropMonitor函数是匹配了:EXP 、credits 、dropped *;而除了这些,实际上还存在“终场奖励”……也就是通关一场战斗的奖励,有两种令牌、装备(iw貌似没有,gf打不过不知道),例如: 感觉加上匹配Bonus!就差不多了……
另外建议完善水晶的掉落检测也就是crystal of xxx和 × crystal of xxx一类的东西,正常来说难度不变只打ar的话只有12种,但是一改难度、或者、特别是打gf(层数越深水晶奖励越多),数量一改变就加了12行,非常不直观,建议进行分析,crystal of xxx和 × crystal of xxx统一用12行crystal of xxx表示。
@dodying 我又来提建议了 2333
反馈:一个现在不是特别好用的功能 当我想要查看掉落检测,点击掉落检测一栏的时候,前面复选框的勾会去掉,每次看完了都要再点一下。同理,一些其他的选项卡每次点中都会自动勾上。需要再点一次去掉。
增加功能:是否能增加存在BOSS时T3 T2 技能在冷却完成的情况下都用呢? 毕竟打龙场(JJC最后一个)60层之后每层都有很多boss,只用T1的话挺浪费时间的。
希望魔力合流那里也可以和其他技能一样设置条件 怪多时物理攻击还是很有风险的
@dodying thanks for the answer
“stamina少于“的设置建议可以改为 进入战斗前检测stamina
gf无法自动开始(token undefined。。加句 parm = '&inittoken=' + token['gr']), 不能重复gf ..同样是id问题
Now that 0.85 allows the use of T2 and T3 melee skills without a certain order. I think it would be a good idea to add a check to see what procs the monster has. For example, 1H T3 skill "Merciful Blow" instantly kills a bleeding target with less than 25% health.
So in my case, it would be nice to use that skill when the only monsters left are bosses, when I have 4 OC bars, and their HP is less than 25% with the Bleeding Wound effect.
@dodying 原本战士的技能是放了T1有二阶buff才能放T2,放了T2有三阶buff才能放T3;现在这技能链取消了,T2、T3够oc就能放。但有些特效是依然满足条件才能出现的,,譬如单手T3,在怪物流血状态且25%以下血就直接秒杀。当然原本单手的T2就是造成出血效果的
@dodying Yes, I believe WinAu explained it.
People using Axe, Shortsword, or Wakizashi with the 1H T3 skill "Merciful Blow" can kill enemies really quick when their HP is less than 25% without having to use T1 or T2 skills first.
准备清一些评论了,这又双叒叕这么长了 保存一些大家最后的发言,以及一些有用的修改(虽然可能失效了)
关于答题的弹出警告框,自动弹出页面很好用。但有时也会不方便,最经常的就是人不在时自动进了遭遇,遇到答题弹出了警告框,然后alert函数一直在阻塞整个页面。并且因为阻塞,我的警报也不会响起。 我想的是能不能换一种方式,譬如不用alert,改成弹出一个新窗口(设定超时关闭),在新窗口答题,然后新窗口把答案传回去并自动关闭,或者是直接在新窗口运行riddlelimiter答题提交并关闭,,然后原窗口继续运行。 这样的话算下来貌似只需点一下鼠标就完成答题了,不用重新最小化浏览器。并且也不会卡死。
@WinAu Good idea. 我先测试一会看看效果
新版的报错了 提示重新设置 点了确定 跳转到这里 然后URL后面一直在加null chrome浏览器
Some bugs:
There's something wrong with the new feature "Usage Tracking", when I have it checked/save settings and enter battle, the script freezes. Then when I uncheck/save settings, everything is OK again.
Also, there's a new 'Utilitarian' mode in the Settings
The script doesn't work with that setting.
@Melaleucake 脚本已更新
Thanks to your feedback, I have solved the problem about Vital Bar Style
Also, if the error about the "Usage Tracking" occurred again,
Please press the key Shift+Ctrl+i
, and open the Console
Then copy the error infomation and all the battle log
Finally, post here.
Here's the error information:
Edit: As for the battle log, I forgot to copy that, but literally nothing happens when I enter battle. The script just stops right at the beginning.
Edit 2: ...
@drkui Please tell me all the battle log
@dodying I just edited my post above to include a battle log with "Usage Tracking" enabled.
Here is my config as well, hope it helps: ...
@drkui lol, I find the reason because of passive ability "counter"
If other error occurred, post agian. Thanks a lot
I upgraded to 2.81b.
Seems like another error occurred with Usage Tracking.
Battle log: ...
Console Error: ...
There seems to be an issue with Auto-Encounter not working.
I'm not sure if this console error has anything to do with it
ERROR: Execution of script 'hvAutoAttack' failed! Cannot set property 'onclick' of null
^ Edit: Nevermind? Seems like there were two versions of 2.81c, I just reinstalled the latest version and it worked again.
Also as a feature suggestion, is there a possibility of adding 'proficiency tracking'?
請問偶爾卡在 該怎麼解決
發現 有開啟"掉落監控" 只要怪物掉落 Crystal of 就會停住
?s=Battle&ss=ar:2065 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '2' of null
at dropMonitor (eval at E_c (:1:1),
Uncaught TypeError: L.onclick is not a function at HTMLDocument.Battle.document.onkeydown (hvc.js:1)
Last elixir的优先度好像有点问题,我查看其它三种elixir未使用,但是LE就用掉了几个,LE的优先度应该排在其它药水之后
@QQ15822 @syaofox @Melaleucake @maoboshi @robinwar @ckck8489 以前的issues已经CLOSED,重开一帖