Open ziqi-zhang opened 2 years ago
This looks like a VC4CC compiler bug/missing support.
Can you post the offending OpenCL C source code? E.g. in the above log you see lines like /tmp/vc4cl-source-<some random number>.cl
, can you post the last /tmp/
and /tmp/vc4cl-ir-abc.bc
files dumped before the error is given?
Also, since you are using a source build of VC4CC, what is your LLVM/clang version you built VC4CC against? This can be queried e.g. by <path/to/>vc4c --version
Thanks for your quick reply! I will post the two files as follows.
I cat the /tmp/
__kernel void weighted_delta_kernel(int n, __global float *a, __global float *b, __global float *s, __global float *da, __global float *db, __global float *ds, __global float *dc) { int i = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); if(i < n){ if(da) da[i] += dc[i] * s[i]; db[i] += dc[i] * (1-s[i]); ds[i] += dc[i] * a[i] + dc[i] * -b[i]; } } __kernel void mult_add_into_kernel(int n, __global float *a, __global float *b, __global float *c) { int i = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); if(i < n){ c[i] += a[i]*b[i]; } } __kernel void deinter_kernel(int NX, __global float *X, int NY, __global float *Y, int B, __global float *OUT) { int i = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); if(i < (NX+NY)*B){ int b = i / (NX+NY); int j = i % (NX+NY); if (j < NX){ if(X) X[b*NX + j] += OUT[i]; } else { if(Y) Y[b*NY + j - NX] += OUT[i]; } } } __kernel void inter_kernel(int NX, __global float *X, int NY, __global float *Y, int B, __global float *OUT) { int i = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); if(i < (NX+NY)*B){ int b = i / (NX+NY); int j = i % (NX+NY); if (j < NX){ OUT[i] = X[b*NX + j]; } else { OUT[i] = Y[b*NY + j - NX]; } } } __kernel void softmax_device(__global float *input, int n, float temp, int stride, __global float *output) { int i; float sum = 0; float largest = -FLT_MAX; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){ int val = input[i*stride]; largest = (val>largest) ? val : largest; } for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){ float e = exp(input[i*stride]/temp - largest/temp); sum += e; output[i*stride] = e; } for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){ output[i*stride] /= sum; } } __kernel void softmax_kernel(__global float *input, int offset, int n, int batch, int batch_offset, int groups, int group_offset, int stride, float temp, __global float *output) { int id = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); if (id >= batch*groups) return; int b = id / groups; int g = id % groups; softmax_device(input + b*batch_offset + g*group_offset + offset, n, temp, stride, output + b*batch_offset + g*group_offset + offset); } __kernel void softmax_tree_kernel(__global float *input, int offset, int index, int spatial, int batch, int stride, float temp, __global float *output, int groups, __global float *group_size, __global float *group_offset) { int id = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); if (id >= spatial*batch*groups) return; int s = id % spatial; id = id / spatial; int g = id % groups; int b = id / groups; int goff = group_offset[g]*spatial; int boff = b*stride; softmax_device(input + offset + goff + boff + s, group_size[g], temp, spatial, output + offset + goff + boff + s); } __kernel void scale_mask_kernel(int n, __global float *x, float mask_num, __global float *mask, float scale) { int i = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); if(i < n && mask[i] == mask_num) x[i] *= scale; } __kernel void dot_kernel(__global float *output, float scale, int batch, int n, int size, __global float *delta) { int index = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); int f1 = index / n; int f2 = index % n; if (f2 <= f1) return; float sum = 0; float norm1 = 0; float norm2 = 0; int b, i; for(b = 0; b < batch; ++b){ for(i = 0; i < size; ++i){ int i1 = b * size * n + f1 * size + i; int i2 = b * size * n + f2 * size + i; sum += output[i1] * output[i2]; norm1 += output[i1] * output[i1]; norm2 += output[i2] * output[i2]; } } norm1 = sqrt(fabs(norm1)); norm2 = sqrt(fabs(norm2)); float norm = norm1 * norm2; sum = sum / norm; for(b = 0; b < batch; ++b){ for(i = 0; i < size; ++i){ int i1 = b * size * n + f1 * size + i; int i2 = b * size * n + f2 * size + i; delta[i1] += - scale * sum * output[i2] / norm; delta[i2] += - scale * sum * output[i1] / norm; } } } __kernel void upsample_kernel(int N, __global float *x, int w, int h, int c, int batch, int stride, int forward, float scale, __global float *out) { int i = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); if(i >= N) return; int out_index = i; int out_w = i%(w*stride); i = i/(w*stride); int out_h = i%(h*stride); i = i/(h*stride); int out_c = i%c; i = i/c; int b = i%batch; int in_w = out_w / stride; int in_h = out_h / stride; int in_c = out_c; int in_index = b*w*h*c + in_c*w*h + in_h*w + in_w; if(forward) out[out_index] += scale * x[in_index]; else x[in_index] += scale * out[out_index]; } __kernel void gemm_kernel( int tuning, __local float* sums, int TA, int TB, int M, int N, int K, __const float ALPHA, __global float *A, int offset_A, int lda, __global float *B, int offset_B, int ldb, __const float BETA, __global float *C, int offset_C, int ldc) { int td = get_global_id(0); if (td > tuning) return; int id = get_global_id(1); if (id > N*M) return; int iM = id / N; int jN = id % N; int kK = 0; int ts = 0; C[iM * ldc + jN + offset_C] *= BETA; sums[td] = 0; for(kK = td; kK < K; kK += tuning) { if (TA==0 && TB==0) { sums[td] += ALPHA * A[iM * lda + kK + offset_A] * B[kK * ldb + jN + offset_B]; } else if (TA==1 && TB==0) { sums[td] += ALPHA * A[kK * lda + iM + offset_A] * B[kK * ldb + jN + offset_B]; } else if (TA==0 && TB==1) { sums[td] += ALPHA * A[iM * lda + kK + offset_A] * B[jN * ldb + kK + offset_B]; } else { sums[td] += ALPHA * A[iM + kK * lda + offset_A] * B[kK + jN * ldb + offset_B]; } } barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE | CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); if (td == 0) { for(ts = 0; ts < tuning; ++ts) { if (TA==0 && TB==0) { C[iM * ldc + jN + offset_C] += sums[ts]; } else if (TA==1 && TB==0) { C[iM * ldc + jN + offset_C] += sums[ts]; } else if (TA==0 && TB==1) { C[iM * ldc + jN + offset_C] += sums[ts]; } else { C[iM * ldc + jN + offset_C] += sums[ts]; } } } } __kernel void scal_add_kernel(int N, float ALPHA, float BETA, __global float *X, int OFFX, int INCX) { int i = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); if (i < N) { X[i*INCX + OFFX] *= ALPHA; X[i*INCX + OFFX] += BETA; } } __kernel void mean_array_kernel(int N, float alpha, __global float *s, __global float *a) { int i = (get_group_id(0) + get_group_id(1)*get_num_groups(0)) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0); if (i >= N) return; a[i] *= (1 - alpha) + s[i]; a[i] *= alpha; s[i] = a[i]; }
As you see, the dumped code lies in one line and is difficult to read. Is it right? Or how can I make the file more readable?
Besides, I tried to cat /tmp/vc4cl-ir-abc.bc
, but what I got is completely unreadable. It's like
#6667:23Q4\F [5/5]
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How should I transfer the code?
As for the LLVM/Clang version, what do you mean by <path/to/>vc4c
? Is it the build
dir that I make during compiling VC4C? I tried to check the clang version by clang --version
and got
clang version 7.0.1-8+rpi3+deb10u2 (tags/RELEASE_701/final)
Target: armv6k-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/bin
The /tmp/vc4cl-ir-abc.bc
is a binary file, it's a raw LLVM module, you should be able to attach files to a GitHub comment, see the text below the comment input box.
Yes, the vc4c
executable lies in the VC4C build directory, more precisely <VC4C build dir>/src/vc4c
I'm not sure whether I have time today to debug this issue though.
The LLVM/Clang version after typing vc4c --version
is as follows:
Running VC4C in version: 0.4.9999 (unknown)
Build configuration: debug mode; builtin SPIR-V front-end; LLVM library front-end with libLLVM 7; vc4asm verification
Standard library location:
header in /home/pi/opencl/VC4C/../VC4CLStdLib/include/defines.h
PCH in /home/pi/opencl/VC4C/../VC4CLStdLib/include/VC4CLStdLib.h.pch
LLVM module in /home/pi/opencl/VC4C/../VC4CLStdLib/include/VC4CLStdLib.bc
SPIR-V module in
Tool locations:
clang in /usr/bin/clang (default)
llvm-spirv not in $PATH
llvm-link in /usr/bin/llvm-link-7 (default)
llvm-dis in /usr/bin/llvm-dis-7 (default)
llvm-as in /usr/bin/llvm-as-7 (default)
spirv-link not in $PATH
I have packed the bc
and cl
file into a zip file because the file format is not permitted by github.
It's okay you may have no time today. You can help me with this problem when you are available. Thanks!
hi @doe300 , I saw you made some commits. Is that mean the problem is solved?
With the changes (not yet on master
branch, but on devel
) I got your OpenCL C kernel to build. I will test them on my setup and then hopefully push them on master within the next few days. If you want to test it earlier, you'll only need these 8 lines from
I have tested the 8 lines. The memory error disappeared, but I got another problem: the program stucks at that point. I'm not sure if it is an infinite loop or other things. I have attached the .cl and .bc file into this comment .
Can you check what threads are running (and how "active" are they) when the program is "stuck"? This can be best checked e.g. with the htop
tool, when enabling thread names in the settings (F2
→ Display options → Show custom thread names).
I think the thread name is Normalization
. I can see there are four Normalization
threads when the function begins, later there is only one Normalization
remained and the program is stuck. I can also see that the last Normalization
occupies 100% CPU, which means it may drop in an infinite loop?
I also observed the change of htop and I guess the procedure is like this. First, there are four concurrent Normalization
functions, each of them occupies one CPU. I can see all the four CPUs are 100% occupied. Later, three Normalization
functions terminated, only one remained. I can see one CPU is 100% occupied at this time. In the picture above, for example, it is CPU2.
BTW I can also see other threads, such as VC4CL Queue Han
, alsa-sink-bcm28
, but they do not occupy CPU when the program Is stuck.
Which command are you using? I am currently trying the example from and it seems to compile just fine, also I do run in a SEGFAULT afterwards...
The darknet is this one The command to compile this darknet follows :
git clone git clone
cd darknet
vi CMakeList.txt # or nano or joe or vim… set DARKNET_ARM=ON
vi src/opencl.h # add in ARM definition: #define CL_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION 220
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Then you'd better edit cfg/cifar.cfg
to reduce the batch_size. Change the 2nd line of cfg/cifar.cfg
Then in the build directory, the command to run is ./darknet cifar test ../cfg/cifar.cfg
Seems I can't reproduce your issue on my setup. On my Raspberry Pi it compiles for several minutes, then prints some layer information and fails with being unable to open a file.
I am currently running a large set of regression tests, if none of these fail, I will merge the devel
branch into master
(probably around tomorrow), maybe that fixes the issue.
That's weird. Do you use RPI 3B+ too? I think printing some layer information is good and it means you didn't encounter my problem.
Also, did you made the changes on darknet? eg set DARKNET_ARM=ON
and add in ARM definition: #define CL_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION 220
I tested on a new system and it worked! But I feel that the setup phase is pretty slow, I think this phase is what you said ''compiles for several minutes''? I was wondering why it needs to compile every time I start the program?
Yes, the compilation takes some time, which is a combination of probably running in Debug build, the compiler itself not being too fast and the weak hardware.
I was wondering why it needs to compile every time I start the program?
Since neither the application (darknet) nor the OpenCL implementation (VC4CL) caches the compiled binaries. I thought about that, but since VC4CL still in active development, it didn't make too much sense for me at least and would just introduces consistency issues.
I do not quite understand what you mean by Debug build. Do you mean VC4CL or darknet are compiled in debug mode? I checked the configuration and found that neither of them is built in debug mode.
BTW I was wondering have you tested the computation speed between VC4CL and CPU. For example, for matrix multiplication, how much is VC4CL faster than pure CPU?
VC4C(L), if not set otherwise explicitly (e.g. by specifying the -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
CMake flag, they compile as debug builds without optimizations enabled.
BTW I was wondering have you tested the computation speed between VC4CL and CPU. For example, for matrix multiplication, how much is VC4CL faster than pure CPU?
No, not extensively, I do have very few comparisons where the results differ greatly (sometimes CPU is faster, sometimes VC4CL). I expect that it will highly depend on the code being executed (e.g. how easily it can be parallelized, how much memory it accesses, etc.).
Today I went deeper into the project but I got another problem. I prepared a code base at so that you will not encounter the missing file problem. To build this repo, you can directly run mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
. The command to run in the build
dir is ./darknet cifar test ../cfg/cifar.cfg
and opencl gemm_kernel error: CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE
. The function gemm_offset_gpu invokes opencl_kernel_local. When opencl_kernel_local invokes clEnqueueNDRangeKernel, it seems the returned value is an error.
I checked the passed arguments of clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
. The globalOffset
is 0, 0
, globalItems
is 32, 100352
, localItems
is 32, 1
. Do you have any idea why these sizes are invalid?
Another problem I occasionally encountered is erroneous register
. This error does not raise every time, but only once in a while. I captured some error log as follows:
opencl_load: could not compile. error: CL_UNKNOWN_ERROR
Compilation error:
Label/Register Mapping: There are erroneous register-associations!
[W] Sat Feb 5 01:34:24 2022: Register conflict resolver has exceeded its maximum rounds, there might still be errors!
[E] Sat Feb 5 01:35:04 2022: Error assigning local to register: %group_id_y
[E] Sat Feb 5 01:35:04 2022: (1) /usr/local/lib/ : vc4c::CompilationError::CompilationError(vc4c::CompilationStep, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)+0xac [0x761ee894]
[E] Sat Feb 5 01:35:04 2022: (2) /usr/local/lib/ : vc4c::qpu_asm::GraphColoring::toRegisterMap() const+0x148 [0x7640cb10]
Do you have any idea how to avoid such error?
Besides, for the CL compilation time, I was wondering do you have any suggestion to walk around it? Compile the CL code is pretty time-consuming and I have to wait for minutes even if I made a small modification to the code...
localItems is 32, 1
There is your problem. VC4CL only supports a local size of up to 12, since the VC4 GPU has only 12 cores. Although OpenCL clients should check what the implementation supports, a lot of applications don't do that and assume some minimum value and thus don't work on VC4CL. Depending on how the kernel is written, it might work without specifying a fixed local size, so that VC4CL can decide on one...
Do you have any idea how to avoid such error?
Sadly no, not at the moment at least. The register allocation of VC4C is non-deterministic, so if a kernel has a certain complexity, then register allocation will succeed sometimes and fail other times...
Besides, for the CL compilation time, I was wondering do you have any suggestion to walk around it? Compile the CL code is pretty time-consuming and I have to wait for minutes even if I made a small modification to the code...
If darknet compiles all kernels from the same place, then maybe adding caching there would be the easiest solution. E.g. create a hash of kernel source code + options, check in some folder if a file with that hash exists. If not, compile and on success store with that hash in the folder.
Thanks! I reduced the local size and it worked. But I have another problem that the program gets stuck at some CL interface functions.
The first place is pull_network_output, which pulls array from opencl. And the program stuck at this clEnqueueReadBuffer.
After I commented out the pull_network_output
function, there is another place to stuck. When the program is about to finish, the function clFinish stuck.
Do you have any idea how to solve these problems?
Looks like some event gets stuck/takes long and the successive events have to wait. Depending on how the kernel is executed, this could mean that the kernel execution hangs.
If you run the program with the VC4CL_DEBUG=events
environment variable set and post the standard output, maybe I could spot the issue. Also, how long did you leave it running?
Thanks to your suggestion, I changed the code so that the kernel code is cached. Loading and building the cached program is much faster than compiling the source. Now I don't need to wait for a long time to debug the program.
I ran the program with VC4CL_DEBUG=events
. When the program is stuck, the console output is
[VC4CL](VC4CL Queue Han): Executing event action: run kernel 0x0x920778 (im2col_gpu_kernel) with 2621 instructions, 12 parameters and 12, 1, 1 (3072, 1, 1) work-items
Then I wait for several minutes and it outputs another line:
[VC4CL](VC4CL Queue Han): Executing event action: run kernel 0x0x900008 (gemm_kernel) with 1314 instructions, 18 parameters and 8, 1, 1 (8, 131072, 1) work-items
Then I wait for 20+ minutes, it does not output any other things.
I also tried other codes. It seems that whenever I call clEnqueueReadBuffer
, the program gets stuck. The console outputs with VC4CL_DEBUG=events
are the same: first Executing event action: im2col_gpu_kernel
, after waiting for several minutes I got Executing event action: gemm_kernel
, then no output anymore.
and gemm_kernel
are compiled and built during program initialization and seem not relevant to clEnqueueReadBuffer
. Do you have any idea?
So the first kernel seems to take very long for its 3072/12 = 256 work-groups. Unless a single work-item does a huge amount of calculations, they should probably finish in less than a minute.
The second kernel runs 131072 work-groups, which definitively takes some time. I don't know whether 20+ minutes is okay or not...
are compiled and built during program initialization and seem not relevant toclEnqueueReadBuffer
. Do you have any idea?
Without having looked at the darknet code in detail, I would assume it schedules the kernels for execution and then sets their events as dependencies for the clEnqueueReadBuffer
, which then blocks until the kernels finish. This is presumably why this function seems to take so long (while in fact it waits for the kernels to finish).
To check whether the kernel executions finish successfully or time out (in which case the GPU gets into some weird state), you could also enable the execution
debug flag, i.e. with VC4CL_DEBUG=events,execution
. This might dump a lot of info to the standard output, but the important line would be after the kernel executes/hangs for a few minutes, there should be a "Execution: successful" or "Execution: failed" line which tells whether the kernel execution succeeded (just on a firmware level, not necessarily with correct data) or not (i.e. the execution took too long and was aborted). Also a few lines above you will see the calculated timeout before the kernel execution is considered hung and will be aborted.
I suspect that the code generated for these kernels is somehow either wrong and hangs the QPUs or is far too slow and thus the kernel executions time out. If the QPUs are hung, then everything after that will also just hang until they are reset...
I run the program with VC4CL_DEBUG=events,execution
flag, but still did get no idea. As far as I observed. There is only Execution: successful
, there is no Execution: failed
. The program has several layers and the code for each layer is basically the same. I observed that the program successfully process the first two layers, and got stuck at later layers. I attached the two log files here log.log and log0.log.
However, when I run the code without VC4CL_DEBUG=events,execution
flag, the program successfully proceeds to the last layer (which is the first time to call clEnqueueReadBuffer
). I checked the return value of the CL invocation functions and they are all CL_SUCCESS. I was wondering is it because the computation on the VPU is asynchronous with the CPU program?
I ran the code again with a simple network with only one layer and record the log. As I expected the code also got stuck. Here is the log.log. Still I didn't see any Execution: failed
but there are two Execution: successful
So I had another quick look at the last log you provided (similar values can also be seen in the first log). Given that the duration in line 694 looks suspiciously close (~99.99%) to the timeout in line 692, it might be that the execution times out internally, but it is somehow still reported as success...
[VC4CL](VC4CL Queue Han): Running work-group 0, 0, 0 with a timeout of 256000000 us
[VC4CL]( darknet): Setting kernel-argument 17 to scalar 1024
[VC4CL](VC4CL Queue Han): Execution: successful after 255991535 us
If that is the case that most likely means that the VC4C compiler generates some wrong code which causes the QPUs to run inifinte/hang.
@doe300 hi, I also always encounter gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
error after typing cmake ..
in VC4C.
pi@raspberrypi:~/opencl/VC4C2/build $ cmake ..
CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:4 (cmake_policy):
The OLD behavior for policy CMP0026 will be removed from a future version
of CMake.
The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all
policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under
specific short-term circumstances. Projects should be ported to the NEW
behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD.
-- VC4CL standard library headers found: /home/pi/opencl/VC4C2/../VC4CLStdLib/include/
-- Using CMake 3.14+ FetchContent to include dependencies...
[ 11%] Performing update step for 'spirv-headers-populate'
fatal: unable to access '': gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
CMake Error at /home/pi/opencl/VC4C2/build/_deps/spirv-headers-subbuild/spirv-headers-populate-prefix/tmp/spirv-headers-populate-gitupdate.cmake:55 (message):
Failed to fetch repository
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/spirv-headers-populate.dir/build.make:97: spirv-headers-populate-prefix/src/spirv-headers-populate-stamp/spirv-headers-populate-update] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:76: CMakeFiles/spirv-headers-populate.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:84: all] Error 2
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FetchContent.cmake:915 (message):
Build step for spirv-headers failed: 2
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FetchContent.cmake:1006 (__FetchContent_directPopulate)
/usr/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/FetchContent.cmake:1047 (FetchContent_Populate)
cmake/spirv-headers.cmake:9 (FetchContent_MakeAvailable)
CMakeLists.txt:110 (include)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/pi/opencl/VC4C2/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
It seems that sometimes I can not fetch the dependency libraries. However, I can get the libraries by git clone
So I'd like to manually clone the libraries. What changes should I make so that I can disable the fetch function in cmake
and manually clone the libraries? I guess I should put the gloned libraries under build/_dep
The only thing that I can think of right now is to download the git project as an archive (e.g. via GitHub website) and then replace the line with something like
FetchContent_Declare(SPIRV-Headers URL <path/to/project/>)
hi @doe300 , I have solved the cache problem. As for the hanging problem, how can I find the wrong code? Can I upload generated code here and can you help me to look at it?
As for the hanging problem, how can I find the wrong code? Can I upload generated code here and can you help me to look at it?
That is very tricky, especially for rather complex code as I would assume darknet produces. If you give me the generated binary code and the VC4CL debug logs, I can try to run it in the software emulator with some default parameter values and hope that the reason for the hang/long execution time becomes obvious. If the behaviour depends on the actual input buffers etc., then it becomes a lot more complicated...
I tried to run darknet on RPI 3B+ with VC4CL. I can compile the code but encountered
Normalizer: Invalid local type for memory area: (g) f32* %arrayidx29.sink75
when running the program. The darknet version is The console output is as follows:I found that the code to cause this problem is the function called
, which I list below:Do you know how can I fix this problem? Is it because the function invokes some unimplemented library functions?