doe300 / VC4CL

OpenCL implementation running on the VideoCore IV GPU of the Raspberry Pi models
MIT License
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Test debian packages #12

Open doe300 opened 6 years ago

doe300 commented 6 years ago

(On a freshly installed Raspbian distribution) test installation and usage of the three created debian packages built with CircleCI.

Things to test:

ThijsWithaar commented 6 years ago

In case it's useful, my notes on compiling and installing on raspbian jessie (clinfo runs successfully)

Setting up cmake:

(cd VC4CLStdLib; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..)
(cd VC4C; mkdir build; cd build; cmake -DSPIRV_FRONTEND=false ..)
(cd VC4CL; mkdir build; cd build; cmake -DVC4CC_LIBRARY=$(pwd)/../../VC4C/build/build/ ..)

Build it all with 'make package', in each of the build directories


sudo dpkg -i *.deb
sudo ldconfig -v
fangq commented 6 years ago

@ThijsWithaar, thanks for sharing the commands, when I run the 3rd line (generating makefile for vc4cl), I got an error:

none of the required 'ocl-icd>=1.3' found. I do have ocl-icd-opencl-dev 2.2.11-1 installed, did I miss anything?

I also tried to type "make" inside VC4C/build after the Makefile is created, I got another error:

VC4C/src/Precompiler.cpp:125:38: error "CLANG_PATH" was not declared in this scope. all codes were pulled from git today. any comment is appreciated.

fangq commented 6 years ago

an update, I manually edited Precompiler.cpp and defined CLANG_PATH as a string "/usr/bin/clang", then make proceeds without further error.

regarding the ocl-icd error, I solved it by installing ocl-icd-dev (README only mentioned about ocl-icd-opencl-dev).

In the end, I managed to create all deb packages and install them. however, when I use "apt-get install clinfo" and then run clinfo, I got 0 available platforms. curious what additional setting I need to make in order to run clinfo.

doe300 commented 6 years ago

@fangq see here for the problem withclinfo seeing no platforms and a circumvention for it.

fangq commented 6 years ago

thanks for the link, yes, I did resolve the clinfo issue by defining the LD_LIBRARYPATH.

maleroy commented 6 years ago

I was following @doe300's instructions on how to get VC4CL, then @ThijsWithaar's on how to build, but when I try to "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" within VC4C's build directory, I get the error that vc4c-0.4-Linux.deb couldn't be processed because the "package architecture (amd64) does not match system (armhf)"

Additionally, I can't "make package" from within VC4CL's build directory because "file INSTALL cannot find "[my_dir]/VC4CL/VC4CL.icd"."

Any help would be greatly appreciated :) (I'm trying this from an RPi 3 model B)

doe300 commented 6 years ago

@maleroy , which instruction did you use? The ones from here should download the correct version for the ARM architecture.

I cannot reproduce the problem you encounter with make package though.

P.S. The cross-compiled packages currently do not work on "original" Raspberry Pis (see