doedje / jquery.soap

This script uses $.ajax to send a SOAP:Envelope. It can take XML DOM, XML string or JSON as input and the response can be returned as either XML DOM, XML string or JSON too.
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Please allow set withCredentials flag #109

Closed Hubbitus closed 7 years ago

Hubbitus commented 7 years ago

With request to open service:

  url: ''
  ,method: 'GetAllDownloadFileInfo'
  ,data: {}
  ,HTTPHeaders: { 'origin': '*' }
  ,success: function (soapResponse) { alert('succes'); }
  ,error: function (soapResponse) { console.log('error', soapResponse); }

I got error: XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: A wildcard '*' cannot be used in the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header when the credentials flag is true. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. The credentials mode of an XMLHttpRequest is controlled by the withCredentials attribute.

So, if I understand correctly set withCredentials=false should solve problem

doedje commented 7 years ago

Did you try changing the code yourself? Does it indeed fix your problem?

doedje commented 7 years ago

did you test it? does it work? I am eager to implement any improvements to $.soap... helping me out on stuff is highly appreciated...

doedje commented 7 years ago

I'll reopen the issue and will explain what you can do:

Open jquery.soap.js in your favorite editor and look for line 283-290:

xhrFields: {
    // Add xhrFields, and set xhrFields.withCredentials = true by default, otherwise,
    // it can't send a cross-domain request successfully in Chrome without this settings.
    // You can use it to set withCredentials to true for cross-domain requests if needed.
    // More about it is in jQuery official website. (
    // I hope it's useful and tested in Chrome & IE 11+ & IE Edge, Thanks.
    withCredentials: true

Now change that code to withCredentials: false. Test your application... If it works these are your options:

1) Use your altered version of jquery.soap.js or 2) Report back to me the change indeed fixes your issue and hope that somewhere in the near future I have the time to implement a way to set the withCredentials flag. or 3) Start coding, implement it yourself, send me a pull request when your done and contribute to the open source community. When you choose this option I would like to recommend the ability to set the whole xhrFields object, with the default of withCredentials=true for backwards compatibility.

I hope to hear from you....

bflemi3 commented 7 years ago

Yes, changing withCredentials to false did indeed work. Perhaps making configurable would solve this issue.

doedje commented 7 years ago

Would you please report to me if the fix is working for you? You should no be able to do:

  url: ''
  ,method: 'GetAllDownloadFileInfo'
  ,withCredentials: false
  ,data: {}
  ,HTTPHeaders: { 'origin': '*' }
  ,success: function (soapResponse) { alert('succes'); }
  ,error: function (soapResponse) { console.log('error', soapResponse); }
doedje commented 7 years ago

I really LOVE the fact that you DID NOT RESPOND. Lame-ass....

doedje commented 7 years ago

So far for "community"........