doedje / jquery.soap

This script uses $.ajax to send a SOAP:Envelope. It can take XML DOM, XML string or JSON as input and the response can be returned as either XML DOM, XML string or JSON too.
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Please disable the useless OPTIONS request by default #115

Closed andreszs closed 7 years ago

andreszs commented 7 years ago

If I've understood a post here correctly, the useless OPTIONS request called endlessly every single time to delay our apps and waste bandwidth is just to see if the developer knows how to configure his server:

The OPTIONS call is done to see whether you are allowed to access the service from another origin

doedje commented 7 years ago

Dude, I love your rant, but you might want to educate yourself, (really). It's not jquery.soap doing this OPTIONS request, it's your browser, any browser for that matter. And it will do so EVERYTIME you want to make a cross-origin call... SO if you want to get rid of these (really minimal calls, hardly any payload, just headers) don't use CORS. Use a proxy. (nginx is cool for that kind of stuff) But don't go blaming me or jquery.soap for abusing your server for useless OPTIONS requests, cause there is only one guy to blame for not understanding CORS and waisting your servers cpu and bandwidth, sorry about it, but it's you! So there you go, with your arrogance and aggressive tone. Totally out of place. Against somebody that wrote a library that is probably making your live easier. Showing no respect, and most important, showing NO KNOWLEDGE of http, soap, browsers, servers, cors, etc. etc.... Dude, really, who is the Hello world app developer here? You just totally proved to understand shit.... good luck!

doedje commented 7 years ago

If you had read and understood #97 you would at least have any understanding of what the F* is going on in the browser in the case of a cross-origin call (when cors kicks in....) I don't like your tone, I am not going to tell you how the internet works... You google that yourself and try to learn....

doedje commented 11 months ago

I love it how this LOSER never got around to actually answer me. Poor bastard....