doedje / jquery.soap

This script uses $.ajax to send a SOAP:Envelope. It can take XML DOM, XML string or JSON as input and the response can be returned as either XML DOM, XML string or JSON too.
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Namespace #126

Closed merco closed 5 years ago

merco commented 6 years ago

Using jquerysoap i can make this request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
    <ns1:doLogin xmlns:ns1="">

but it is not working.

How can i make this working request ?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""
doedje commented 6 years ago

(I did put the soap in your message in code-blocks to improve readability.)

Since you did not put your $.soap call in your post, I am only guessing here. The only difference I see that could be a problem is the ns1 namespace declaration is in your Envelope node instead in the doLogin node. (the fact your namespace for the soap envelope is SOAP-ENV instead of $.soap's soap should not be a problem)

  url: "xml/fake-soap-response.xml?",
  method: "doLogin",
  envAttributes: {
    'xmlns:ns1': ''
  data: { 
    DataDevice: '01012017',
    userID: 2035,
    UserPWD: '123321',
    outXML: '',
    eo: '',
    clientDaAggiornare: ''
  namespaceQualifier: "ns1",
  enableLogging: true

Results in the following XML:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ns1="">

My guess is this should be okay..... Let me know!

kiwipetedev commented 6 years ago

I need to pass the following SOAP message to my web service:


In order to do this, I have to make the following call:

    url: "http://localhost:8080/bm-ws/budgetmanager?wsdl/",
    method: 'ns1:login',
        "xmlns:ns1": ""
        "user-id": $scope.username,
        "password": $scope.password
    success: function (soapResponse) {
        // do stuff with soapResponse
        // if you want to have the response as JSON use soapResponse.toJSON();
        // or soapResponse.toString() to get XML string
        // or soapResponse.toXML() to get XML DOM
    error: function (SOAPResponse) {
        // show error

I tried setting the namespaceQualifier property to "ns1", but that put "ns1" in the name of the user-id and password attributes, which caused null values to be passed to my web service.

markusmo commented 5 years ago

it might seem strange... but i needed to do the same. so I used the same logic you did, and it worked... thanks