doesntmattr / mongodb-migrations

Managed migration support for MongoDB
MIT License
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Configuration class maintainability #34

Open redthor opened 6 years ago

redthor commented 6 years ago

Scrutinizer gives Configuration class an F:

It is not hard to see why.

There is this confusing inheritance model:

       Configuration (concrete)
   AbstractFileConfiguration (abstract)
      |                |
      v                v
XmlConfiguration YamlConfiguration  (concrete)

And there are a bunch of mutators on Configuration just so that the bundle can overwrite settings here:

Suggest we apply:

Class Responsibility
ConfigurationBuilder Create an immutable Configuration class
ConfigurationLoader Picks the way the configuration is loaded: yaml | xml | container
YamlLoader Reads YAML file. May not be required if we are just using Syfmony Yaml classes
XmlLoader Reads XML file. May not be required if it is too simple
ContainerLoader Gets container parameters
VersionCollection Container for the versions. Has the responsibility for looking up Versions etc

These are just ideas. Would need to look more into how the Configuration class is used.

Note that improvements here could also improve the Doctrine migrations library because it follows the same structure:

redthor commented 6 years ago

I wonder if the better way to deal with the Bundle, is rather than use all those mutators on Configuration that the Symfony Commands are ContainerAware and that they get the mongodb-migrations Configuration (or something like it) from the container. Then we set up a services.xml file with classes required.

That way they could be overridden (not sure how useful that would be) by the bundle user. Obviously it'll mean we can remove all the mutators and just get the configuration created once.