dog-broad / 3_2-Needs

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IOTCC Notes Tracker #4

Open dog-broad opened 3 months ago

dog-broad commented 3 months ago

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

dog-broad commented 3 months ago

Mid 1

  1. State the term IoT with its applications.
  2. Write a short note on SWOT analysis of IOT?
  3. Draw and Define Telematics Terminal Architecture.
  4. Mention the three different versions of the vehicle-to-grid concept.
  5. Draw and Define IOT paradigm and related networks.
  6. Brief about Body Sensor Network with diagram?
  7. Illustrate the evolution of Identification with a diagram.
  8. Differentiate UPC-A and EAN Bar codes.
  9. Draw the Sensor Network Architecture.
  10. Define Sensor, Actuators, and Transducers?
  11. Define RFID tag with its types?
  12. Explain different types of Sensors with Example?
  13. Draw Middleware based SCADA system Architecture.
  14. Mention the new standards of Wireless Networks for IOT.
  15. Mention issues with IOT standardization.

Mid 2

  1. Differentiate WOT and IOT.
  2. Compare IoT Red Ocean versus Blue Ocean.
  3. Define Cloud Computing.
  4. Describe briefly Data caching in IoT.
  5. Explain indecision service delivery in IoT.
  6. List the Cloud Providers/Open Source Projects for IoT.
  7. Mention Cloud Services in IoT.
  8. Define Mobile Cloud Computing.
  9. Illustrate different Cloud Deployment models for IoT.
  10. Compare IOT vs Cloud Computing.
dog-broad commented 3 months ago
  • [x] SAQ's

Mid 1

  1. State the term IoT with its applications.
  2. Write a short note on SWOT analysis of IOT?
  3. Draw and Define Telematics Terminal Architecture.
  4. Mention the three different versions of the vehicle-to-grid concept.
  5. Draw and Define IOT paradigm and related networks.
  6. Brief about Body Sensor Network with diagram?
  7. Illustrate the evolution of Identification with a diagram.
  8. Differentiate UPC-A and EAN Bar codes.
  9. Draw the Sensor Network Architecture.
  10. Define Sensor, Actuators, and Transducers?
  11. Define RFID tag with its types?
  12. Explain different types of Sensors with Example?
  13. Draw Middleware based SCADA system Architecture.
  14. Mention the new standards of Wireless Networks for IOT.
  15. Mention issues with IOT standardization.

Mid 2

  1. Differentiate WOT and IOT.
  2. Compare IoT Red Ocean versus Blue Ocean.
  3. Define Cloud Computing.
  4. Describe briefly Data caching in IoT.
  5. Explain indecision service delivery in IoT.
  6. List the Cloud Providers/Open Source Projects for IoT.
  7. Mention Cloud Services in IoT.
  8. Define Mobile Cloud Computing.
  9. Illustrate different Cloud Deployment models for IoT.
  10. Compare IOT vs Cloud Computing.

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