dogancana / futbot

Free trade bot for Fifa 20
2 stars 1 forks source link

Add max rating and amount for selling jobs #5

Closed stupidchen closed 5 years ago

stupidchen commented 5 years ago

I found simply calling http://localhost:9999/trade-bot/start-selling will trying to clear all items in trade pile and sold numbers of players (default: 10) of the club. It causes two problems:

Thus there is a requirement to add two arguments for the api:

The expectation like this: http://localhost:9999/trade-bot/start-selling?maxRating=75&amount=100

stupidchen commented 5 years ago

@dogancana I am working on it and hope you can review it. Thanks!

dogancana commented 5 years ago

Thanks for work. For selling high value players: I had this max rating feature but never pushed it. I'll push it now. For selling amount: I tested couple of times, for selling too many players but your account gets too many requests ban. And my idea of using this auto sell players feature is start the job before the night. With trade pile clear and reselling, you woke up to (50-100)+ sold players

stupidchen commented 5 years ago

Thanks for work. For selling high value players: I had this max rating feature but never pushed it. I'll push it now. For selling amount: I tested couple of times, for selling too many players but your account gets too many requests ban. And my idea of using this auto sell players feature is start the job before the night. With trade pile clear and reselling, you woke up to (50-100)+ sold players

For selling amount: I think giving a optional amount will be a reasonable choice for some user. And you know there are some guys whose trade pile is always full (full of Toni Kroos) and they just want to sell some players in club for more coins...

stupidchen commented 5 years ago

@dogancana BTW, nice work for the new commit!