dogecoin / dogecoin

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Update static seeds #3422

Closed patricklodder closed 3 months ago

patricklodder commented 3 months ago

Updates static seeds for 1.14.7.

Entries were discovered through network peer exchange, no DNS server was used to reduce potential bias.

Conditions applied to discovered peers:

I've limited mainnet to 250 seed nodes.

To test (on command line linux):

This facility provides your node with peers regardless of the dns servers being reachable.

  1. delete ~/.dogecoin/peers.dat (~/.dogecoin/testnet3/peers.dat for testnet)
  2. make sure that there is no addnode in dogecoin.conf
  3. run dogecoind with -dnsseed=0 -onlynet=ipv4 to test ipv4 seeds; make sure it connects to peers
  4. run dogecoind with -dnsseed=0 -onlynet=ipv6 to test ipv6 seeds; make sure it connects to peers
slightlyskepticalpotat commented 3 months ago

Tested on x86-64 Linux with the following procedure (for both mainnet and testnet)

All runs had the following output before connecting properly:

2024-02-17 15:20:05 ERROR: Read: Failed to open file /home/anthony/.dogecoin/peers.dat
2024-02-17 15:20:15 Invalid or missing peers.dat; recreating
2024-02-17 15:20:15 init message: Starting network threads...
2024-02-17 15:20:16 DNS seeding disabled
2024-02-17 15:21:16 Adding fixed seed nodes as DNS doesn't seem to be available.