dogecoin / dogecoin

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Transactions are successsful but I receive nothing! #3475

Closed SaitamaTechno closed 1 month ago

SaitamaTechno commented 2 months ago

I run dogecoind and dogecoin-cli in local network linux and also in cloud linux, everything looks working. I can create wallets and I want to send doge into them I sent 1 doge to the local one and then I sent 0.2doge to the cloud one. And I didnt receive anything. the cloud one has open port to the public internet thats why I also used it. one of them has 75 confirmation and the other one has 15 confirmation but I got nothing why?

I sent doges from website

txid for 1doge: txid for 0.2doge:

I am on the main network by: dogecoin-cli getblockchaininfo

patricklodder commented 2 months ago

I see these transactions on my nodes. On the node with your wallet, could you please let us know:

SaitamaTechno commented 2 months ago

hello, I think it is because of synchronizing, my node is not complete. I am new to it, i didnt know the reason before I open the issue. But now I have another issue, my dogecoin server keeps stopping after like 5 minutes. it says: error: couldn't connect to server: unknown (code -1) (make sure server is running and you are connecting to the correct RPC port)

Another question: how do i publish the node without downloading all blockchain? I used pruning but it looks it still tries to download everything .

Here you may find some information:

root@c85teybxy2:~# free -h total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 1.9Gi 1.3Gi 69Mi 0.0Ki 530Mi 460Mi Swap: 0B 0B 0B root@c85teybxy2:~# dogecoin-cli getblockchaininfo { "chain": "main", "blocks": 99531, "headers": 4021995, "bestblockhash": "d72a15c276f105f18d6b490fb426118050f8d91a679283aa004fc703a572c7c6", "difficulty": 2005.936100016067, "mediantime": 1392317908, "verificationprogress": 0.03029031921381798, "initialblockdownload": true, "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003cf84a2fc082dcc", "size_on_disk": 2594468165, "pruned": true, "pruneheight": 0, "automatic_pruning": true, "prune_target_size": 2411724800, "softforks": [ { "id": "bip34", "version": 2, "reject": { "status": false } }, { "id": "bip66", "version": 3, "reject": { "status": false } }, { "id": "bip65", "version": 4, "reject": { "status": false } } ], "bip9_softforks": { "csv": { "status": "defined", "startTime": 1462060800, "timeout": 1493596800, "since": 0 } }, "warnings": "" } root@c85teybxy2:~# dogecoin-cli getbalance "" bash: dogecoin-calance: command not found root@c85teybxy2:~# dogecoin-cli getbalance "*" 0.00000000 root@c85teybxy2:~#

And also my config file: rpcuser=myusername rpcpassword=mypasswd dbcache=4 prune=2300

patricklodder commented 2 months ago

But now I have another issue, my dogecoin server keeps stopping after like 5 minutes.

Could you check the bottom of debug.log after it's shut down? Should be:

tail -n 50 ~/.dogecoin/debug.log
"blocks": 99531,

this is why your balance is still zero, you're over 5 million blocks behind.


SaitamaTechno commented 2 months ago

5 million blocks, yeah as i said I understand it after opening the issue.

is that 4mb cache, wow i need to make it more! I Thought my vps server (2gb RAM) does not have enough ram when i see it fails in 5 minutes, and I searched somebody make dbcache 4 and said everything works fine. Then i did so.

Addnodes are for faster downloading the blockchain i think, again I saw it on the internet.

patricklodder commented 2 months ago

Thought my vps server (2gb RAM) does not have enough RAM.

I saw the 2GB. It's really low and your node may get killed for being out of memory, but per the above, I'd need to see the bottom of your log to help further investigate.

Addnodes are for faster downloading the blockchain i think

If everyone uses the same nodes, then the rest of the network is idle. Since even my newer Xeons cannot serve 125 peers with current network demand, it may be faster to not use addnode at all, or at least you'll have better chance of hitting an idle node instead of the subset of nodes multiple people are using.

Better to not add nodes because someone on the internet says so either, as it could help an attacker eclipse attack your node.

SaitamaTechno commented 2 months ago

I deleted addnodes and dbcache and edited my conf file as: rpcuser=username rpcpassword=passwd prune=2300

this is the error I get when the server is down: root@c85teybxy2:~# dogecoin-cli getblockchaininfo error: couldn't connect to server: unknown (code -1) (make sure server is running and you are connecting to the correct RPC port)

do you know the reason?

These are the last lines of my debug.log:

2024-03-15 08:30:05 UpdateTip: new best=b7dc155c624f93ad3e546852491eea5bfe3a06984e1b27b00910bce1a02433e6 height=100297 version=0x00000001 log2_work=57.959054 tx=7532745 date='2014-02-14 09:15:01' progress=0.030406 cache=46.4MiB(136748tx) 2024-03-15 08:30:05 UpdateTip: new best=6301cde5d205c497db621829ec2f869ef2b55d8313e7400e84c1f7753b0f6151 height=100298 version=0x00000001 log2_work=57.959091 tx=7533015 date='2014-02-14 09:17:57' progress=0.030407 cache=46.5MiB(137037tx) 2024-03-15 08:30:05 UpdateTip: new best=e18a9fda9c006fe5ccb5e1d7ffb5b7217c38cac6e7e6fb6fb1c81738d51588f7 height=100299 version=0x00000002 log2_work=57.959129 tx=7533114 date='2014-02-14 09:19:07' progress=0.030408 cache=46.5MiB(137133tx) 2024-03-15 08:30:05 UpdateTip: new best=5e26550f3b2e1352564a36a4bd39311ec34dffee5109d1fc1625d1915ec86668 height=100300 version=0x00000002 log2_work=57.959167 tx=7533197 date='2014-02-14 09:20:25' progress=0.030408 cache=46.5MiB(137191tx) 2024-03-15 08:30:06 UpdateTip: new best=fab44c3ce4d4bae52f81e80b012a9da96fabb0cbe316e58f4de7af743410e615 height=100301 version=0x00000001 log2_work=57.959204 tx=7533451 date='2014-02-14 09:21:43' progress=0.030409 cache=46.6MiB(137467tx) 2024-03-15 08:30:06 Pre-allocating up to position 0x200000 in rev00017.dat

patricklodder commented 2 months ago

This could mean it gets OOM-killed (as there is no indication of a clean shutdown)


dmesg -T | grep killed
SaitamaTechno commented 2 months ago

nothing is printed

SaitamaTechno commented 1 month ago

hello, I created a new server with 4gb of ram and downloaded all the blockcahin pruning 50gb. I am now able to receive and sign transactions. perhaps the problem was pruning. because i started the core server without pruning then I restarted it with pruning, it caused failure. Now i learned that i need to delete all the blockchain and download all from scratch. I havent tried 2gb version yet. But i will try and we'll see. Since I found my solution I will close the issue as solved. Also, thanks for your effort!

An example of getblockcahininfo when it is finished initialising

{ "chain": "main", "blocks": 5152641, "headers": 5152641, "bestblockhash": "f270e9482cad693b5a5d39158ffca13caed6c1ecf9ef0634b57cead11c1a3b0f", "difficulty": 14767834.98844893, "mediantime": 1711923522, "verificationprogress": 0.9999980911046334, "initialblockdownload": false, "chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ff22ee42f52304a024f", "size_on_disk": 52344412692, "pruned": true, "pruneheight": 4983238, "automatic_pruning": true, "prune_target_size": 52428800000, "softforks": [ { "id": "bip34", "version": 2, "reject": { "status": true } }, { "id": "bip66", "version": 3, "reject": { "status": true } }, { "id": "bip65", "version": 4, "reject": { "status": true } } ], "bip9_softforks": { "csv": { "status": "failed", "startTime": 1462060800, "timeout": 1493596800, "since": 1703520 } }, "warnings": "" }

patricklodder commented 1 month ago

I recently did this myself (prune an unpruned node) and I didn't have issues. I will re-check this on v1.14.7 release binaries to be sure.

georgeartem commented 1 month ago

@RnoHach for the sake of lurking

SaitamaTechno commented 1 month ago

hey @patricklodder , it looks the problem is because of the limited ram. the issue remains for 2gb ram. it fails after some time. I also checked the used ram it goes almost 1.8gb/1.9gb. When it continues it increases up to 1.9/1.9 and goes out of ram. I also did some reducing ram steps and I think it was written by you, @patricklodder . It looks like it works at the begining but after some time it again runs out of ram and also very slow initialising. So I again created a 4gb ram vps server and i am downloading the blockchain.

"verificationprogress": 0.088 and ram usage= 2.4gb probably by dogecoin node.

You can check my node by clicking: and also for checking ram: it will be available until initialising finished.