dogecoin / dogecoin

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High Transaction Fee #3519

Open SaitamaTechno opened 1 month ago

SaitamaTechno commented 1 month ago

I can send and receive doge from my wallet in my node. when i receive it takes 10 minutes but fee is very low. When i send from my wallet, it happens in a few seconds, but the fee is not even stable and high. it uses rest of all doge in my wallet.

For example I had 1 doge in my wallet. I sent 0.6 doge, the fee is taken 0.4 doge. it is very high. On the other hand, from that 10 minutes platform i mentioned above, the fee is only 0.01 doge for the transaction of 1 doge. How can i manage the fee when i run the node, there is this dogecoin-cli estimatesmartfee 6 it is 0.14Doge per block. I mean it is still low but it always takes more, i mean it takes the rest of my wallet as fee, why???

Please check these transactions, one of them has 0.01 doge fee.

Other one (my node wallet) has 0.4 doge fee:

patricklodder commented 1 month ago

Hi! Need a little more information.

  1. Which version of dogecoind do you use? You can see with dogecoind -version
  2. What settings are in your dogecoin.conf? It's located in $HOME/.dogecoin on linux.
SaitamaTechno commented 1 month ago

Hi @patricklodder

Dogecoin Core Daemon version v1.14.7.0-a6d122013

I dont have a config file, I dont use it. Instead, I manage it via command line:

/usr/local/bin/dogecoind -daemon -paytxfee=0.01 -prune=10000
SaitamaTechno commented 1 month ago

I just learned how to set a transaction fee, I will be back soon with a detailed explanation. This was not a bug actually, but i still dont understand why it uses the rest of all money in the wallet when I dont specify a transaction fee with fundrawtransaction.

SaitamaTechno commented 1 month ago

Hey @patricklodder , I have a new issue. I rented a cloud computer. it was running fine for 14 days. I initialised doge blockchain in first 5 days with pruning 10gb. The cloud service shutdown my computer because of high disk usage (read/write) is that normal? they say: the computer used 4.2 tb read, 3.7tb write happened in 14days, that's why they shutdown. Do you have any suggestions?

patricklodder commented 1 month ago

is that normal?

I've not heard of this one before; it sounds like this is a specific limit to your provider.

the computer used 4.2 tb read, 3.7tb write

This sounds about right; noting that this can definitely be improved in the software.

Do you have any suggestions?

Try a provider that doesn't limit disk i/o. The bulk of the resource usage is during initial block download.

SaitamaTechno commented 2 weeks ago

hello @patricklodder , I would like to ask you something:

Let's say we have 10 doge in wallet A, I wanna send 5 doge to wallet B with 0.05 doge fee.

What i see from my experiment: it sends 5 doge to wallet B and spends 0.05 doge fee. Everything is good so far. However, it also sends the rest of all money to a totally new wallet. Lets call it wallet C. When i try listunspent "wallet A", i cannot see txid or doge but when i try listunspent "main_account" I see a new wallet is created and rest of my doge is stored in there. Moreover, When the transaction is created I have zero doge in balance. But after it gets a confirmation, I see wallet C with my money.

I think this behaviour is an ordinary behaviour, but what is the reason behind it and also is there anyway that i can send from wallet A specifying a fee and keeping the rest of the money in wallet A, too?

Another question: What is vout besides txid? vout is 1 in wallet C and 0 in wallet A.

Here is the code that I create and sign a transaction:

dogecoin-cli listunspent 1 9999999 '["DAYkrjxyroyhv8CwUAGmbE5JGZYxF4Jiig"]'
    "txid": "4b9fbff55a4c1c5bb7b0f02b4efcb9830d6d22c3a5edc9f5f11c0e6d43416c51",
    "vout": 0

dogecoin-cli createrawtransaction "$utxos_to_use" '{"9vnmH4heyoCESGhMRyjupn5sNArQ9z8oCk":0.6}'
dogecoin-cli fundrawtransaction "0100000001516c41436d0e1cf1f5c9eda5c3226d0d83b9fc4e2bf0b0b75b1c4c5af5bf9f4b0000000000ffffffff01008793030000000017a9142fc0b583aa34e31476a41082e6aef952e32b95808700000000" '{"feeRate":0.03}'

dogecoin-cli signrawtransaction "0100000001516c41436d0e1cf1f5c9eda5c3226d0d83b9fc4e2bf0b0b75b1c4c5af5bf9f4b0000000000ffffffff02008793030000000017a9142fc0b583aa34e31476a41082e6aef952e32b95808700ef5e02000000001976a914d3df39df97825fec5fa38e8408d8e863113a454288ac00000000"
dogecoin-cli sendrawtransaction 0100000001516c41436d0e1cf1f5c9eda5c3226d0d83b9fc4e2bf0b0b75b1c4c5af5bf9f4b000000006a473044022075596dd16f11bcc5e8c9b1714fd91fe84d3d48a0322b1991513a7e693c198b3e02204705614cb30cef6e0b9de6bcccce1d7029312c7c79cca84935ab30e6a8050b38012103727111c396cb2e39ca1a3d6a5bf7e800318c0de3e81260272d8c803f0d245f45ffffffff02008793030000000017a9142fc0b583aa34e31476a41082e6aef952e32b95808700ef5e02000000001976a914d3df39df97825fec5fa38e8408d8e863113a454288ac00000000
patricklodder commented 2 weeks ago

Here is the code that I create and sign a transaction

You need to add the change address to createrawtransaction. Replace that with something like the following, creating a new outputs object:


change_amount="0.35" # <sum of input amounts (1) - send amount (0.6) - total fee (0.05)>
outputs="{\"9vnmH4heyoCESGhMRyjupn5sNArQ9z8oCk\":0.6,\"$(dogecoin-cli getrawchangeaddress)\":$change_amount}"

dogecoin-cli createrawtransaction "$utxos_to_use" "$outputs"

SaitamaTechno commented 2 weeks ago

@patricklodder Can i write the wallet address which i used in listunspent command, can i write this address DAYkrjxyroyhv8CwUAGmbE5JGZYxF4Jiig Instead of getrawchangeaddress. Because after i spent from this wallet, i want to keep the remaining money in this wallet.

patricklodder commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, but that's not the recommended way to do it. You should really only use a key once (ie don't send coin to an address after you've spent coin from it.)