dogecoin / libdohj

Java library for adding altcoin support to bitcoinj
Apache License 2.0
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Problems while sending coins #39

Open Tockra opened 4 years ago

Tockra commented 4 years ago

Hi Guys,

I can't send multiple spends. If I do it, I got a InsufficientMoneyException. I think I need not to tell you, that I have enough coins on that wallet. I'm using this library for dogecoin, but that shouldn't be the reason. The number of transactions that work is different. Sometimes works just one. Sometimes two or three. But never more. I tried to rise the fee to 1Coin/kb . But that didn't change anything.

Its not so cool because my program should send multiple transactions at once.


rnicoll commented 3 years ago

Catching up with issues very late on I know, but... are the previous spends being confirmed before you try the next? My hunch here is the first is sending coins and creating a change payment, and the second is trying to spend that change payment before it's confirmed.

I need to progress Dogecoin Core right now, but want to have time to improve the quality of this, soon.