dogo / AKSideMenu

Beautiful iOS side menu library with parallax effect. Written in Swift
MIT License
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Calling variable sideMenuViewController in UIViewController extension freezes the app when it is not in view heirarchy #47

Closed gauravlnx closed 5 years ago

gauravlnx commented 5 years ago

If in a viewController I access the defined in the UIViewController extension, the app freezes


This happens if the side menu is not in the view Heirarchy. The app goes into an infinite loop and app freezes.

Include the following:
Reproduction Steps
  1. Load SideMenu inside a Navigation stack
  2. Instead of pushing a controller from the inside of the side menu, push it directly to the above navigation controller.
  3. In the controller, if the sidemenuViewController property is accessed, the app will freeze.
Expected Result

The property should return nil instead of going into an infinite while loop.

Actual Result

The app goes into an infinite while loop.

Tell us what could be improved:

dogo commented 5 years ago

Please provide me a sample

dogo commented 4 years ago

@gauravlnx Please update to 1.4.5