dogo / AKSideMenu

Beautiful iOS side menu library with parallax effect. Written in Swift
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Navigation bar overlap status bar iOS 13 xcode 11 #70

Open SalehMohammedAlnuwaysir opened 4 years ago

SalehMohammedAlnuwaysir commented 4 years ago


As you can see in the attached photo, after showing the side menu the navigation bar goes behind the status bar, this issue only happens in iOS 13, earlier versions don't have this issue

Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 9 26 17 AM Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 9 20 00 AM
dogo commented 4 years ago

Could not reproduce, please provide a sample

bekironat commented 4 years ago

I think the issue is related to UIViewController's present method. The sidemenu container view controller's frame grows after dismiss. It is hard to produce the problem but it is also related with the status bar height. When the uinavigationbar overlaps after dissmissing presented uiviewcontroller, side menu also goes up. When I left the app and came back, navigationbar comes to normal position.

RuhsarGunes commented 4 years ago

I managed to fix the issue in Xamarin adding this line(Window.rootViewController = navBar) into the below method in the ViewPresenter class. It is mentioned here

protected override UINavigationController CreateNavigationController(UIViewController viewController) { var navBar = base.CreateNavigationController(viewController); navBar.NavigationBarHidden = true;

        Window.RootViewController = navBar;
        return navBar;