dogsheep / hacker-news-to-sqlite

Create a SQLite database containing data pulled from Hacker News
Apache License 2.0
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Use HN algolia endpoint to retrieve trees #3

Open simonw opened 3 years ago

simonw commented 3 years ago

The trees command currently has to make a request for every single comment. Algolia have an endpoint that bundles the entire thread together into a single request.

Here's an example that loads quickly, with about 50 comments:

It doesn't appear to use pagination at all - if a thread is big then the response is big.

I ran this search to find some stories with more than 1000 comments:

Here's one: with 4759 comments. Hitting the API takes 41s and returns 3.7 MB of JSON!

wget ''  0.03s user 0.04s system 0% cpu 41.368 total
/tmp % ls -lah 25015967 
-rw-r--r--  1 simon  wheel   3.7M Jul 24 20:31 25015967
simonw commented 3 years ago


curl '' \
  | jq '[recurse(.children[]) | del(.children)]' \
  | sqlite-utils insert hn.db items - --pk id
simonw commented 3 years ago

If you hit the endpoint for a comment that's part of a thread you get that comment and its recursive children:

You can tell that it's not the top-level because the parent_id isn't null. You can use story_id to figure out what the top-level item is.

  "id": 27941552,
  "created_at": "2021-07-24T15:08:39.000Z",
  "created_at_i": 1627139319,
  "type": "comment",
  "author": "nine_k",
  "title": null,
  "url": null,
  "text": "<p>I wish ...",
  "points": null,
  "parent_id": 27941108,
  "story_id": 27941108
simonw commented 3 years ago

Got a TIL out of this: