The Dogtag Certificate System is an enterprise-class Certificate Authority (CA) which supports all aspects of certificate lifecycle management, including key archival, OCSP and smartcard management.
This issue was migrated from Pagure Issue #2358. Originally filed by edewata (@edewata) on 2016-06-13 21:48:55:
Assigned to nobody
The current KRA connector CLIs do not clarify the distinction between KRA connector and host which make it rather confusing to use and may limit the usage:
pki ca-kraconnector-show displays the connector configuration that may contain multiple hosts
pki ca-kraconnector-add -input-file creates a new connector with the provided configuration, but there can only be at most one connector
pki ca-kraconnector-add --host --port adds a host into the connector, if exists, and it doesn't create a new connector
pki ca-kraconnector-del --host --port removes a host from the connector, if exists, but if it's the last host it will remove the connector too
To simplify the usage, the KRA connector should always exist in CA, but it's disabled initially. Then a set of CLIs can be provided to manage the connector:
pki ca-kraconnector-show displays the connector configuration
pki ca-kraconnector-mod modifies the connector configuration (e.g. changing transport cert)
pki ca-kraconnector-enable enables the connector
pki ca-kraconnector-disable disables the connector
and another set to manage the hosts:
pki ca-kraconnector-host-find lists all hosts in the connector
pki ca-kraconnector-host-add adds a host into the connector
pki ca-kraconnector-host-del removes a host from the connector
During installation the pkispawn may need to invoke several commands to configure the connector and add the new host.
The new CLIs will also be more useful to troubleshoot installation issues and fine-tune the configuration post installation.
This issue was migrated from Pagure Issue #2358. Originally filed by edewata (@edewata) on 2016-06-13 21:48:55:
The current KRA connector CLIs do not clarify the distinction between KRA connector and host which make it rather confusing to use and may limit the usage:
To simplify the usage, the KRA connector should always exist in CA, but it's disabled initially. Then a set of CLIs can be provided to manage the connector:
and another set to manage the hosts:
During installation the pkispawn may need to invoke several commands to configure the connector and add the new host.
The new CLIs will also be more useful to troubleshoot installation issues and fine-tune the configuration post installation.