Please, change "We are writing web apps, desktop apps..." to "We make web apps, desktop apps..."
Let's change --intro-section-secondary-text-color to #8a7d25 please, since currently it's too bright, making it hard to read IMO
Please, change "you can contact us on" to "you can contact us at"
Please, change:
Our main selling point is that we aim for the mutual understanding and fast changes, so we organize work in such way, that you'll quickly get access to the scratch of the future app to look at it's appearance, click some buttons and give you the base for the feedback already in the early development stages.
Our main selling point is that we aim for the mutual understanding and fast changes. We'll do our best to give you first scratches of the future app as soon as possible, letting you actively participate in the development - look at app's appearance, click some buttons and voice your feedback instantly, so we could fine-tune behaviour to what you effectively want.
Please, make main_introSection__DVPl- class bg color #333333 so that it looked like this:
(feel free to apply small adjustments to other colors on the page to go well with that)
Please, make the space between "Ever had a genius money-maker idea" block and the "We are writing web apps" block smaller: at least 2 times, because it currently makes page look empty IMHO
please, since currently it's too bright, making it hard to read IMOto
Please, make(feel free to apply small adjustments to other colors on the page to go well with that)main_introSection__DVPl-
class bg color#333333
so that it looked like this: