dohooo / react-native-reanimated-table

📊 A React Native table component using react-native-reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler.
MIT License
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Rendering Slow #2

Open mcatal opened 10 months ago

mcatal commented 10 months ago


I'm pulling 150KB of data via an API and updating the state. Afterward, the table creation takes more than 10 seconds. How can I overcome this issue?

I made a fresh installation with Expo Go SDK 49 and installed only axios and react-native-reanimated-table for demonstration purposes. Even then, it takes a significant amount of time. My package dependencies are as follows: "dependencies": { "axios": "^1.5.0", "expo": "~49.0.8", "expo-constants": "^14.4.2", "expo-status-bar": "~1.6.0", "react": "18.2.0", "react-native": "0.72.4", "react-native-reanimated-table": "^0.0.2" }

My App.tsx is as follows:

`import Constans from "expo-constants"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { StatusBar } from "expo-status-bar"; import { makeApiRequest } from "./_src/Functions/makeApiRequest";

import { TableWrapper, Cell, Table, Row } from "react-native-reanimated-table";

import { ScrollView, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from "react-native";

export default function App() { const apiKeys = Constans.expoConfig?.extra;

const sendFormData = { franchise: "Kamyon", period: "Toplam", selectedYear: 2023, };

const [tableData, setTableData] = useState({ tableHead: ["", "Araç Adı", "Stok Gün", "Tah. Stok Faiz"], flexArr: [0.000001, 2, 0.6, 1, 0.000001], tData: [], tableShow: false, });

const fetchData = async () => { const totalFetchDataStartTime =; // Toplam süre için zamanlayıcı başlat

const apiRequestStartTime =; // API isteği için zamanlayıcı başlat
const data = await makeApiRequest({
  url: "_getPossibleBonusDetail",
const apiRequestEndTime =; // API isteği için zamanlayıcı bitir
console.log(`API Request Time: ${apiRequestEndTime - apiRequestStartTime} ms`);

if (!data.error) {
  const stateUpdateStartTime =; // State güncelleme için zamanlayıcı başlat
  setTableData(oldData => ({
    tableShow: true,
    tData: data?.rowsForTable,
  const stateUpdateEndTime =; // State güncelleme için zamanlayıcı bitir
  console.log(`State Update Time: ${stateUpdateEndTime - stateUpdateStartTime} ms`);

  console.log("State yüklendi");

const totalFetchDataEndTime =; // Toplam süre için zamanlayıcı bitir
console.log(`Total fetchData Time: ${totalFetchDataEndTime - totalFetchDataStartTime} ms`);


useEffect(() => { console.log("Gelen Datalar"); fetchData(); }, []);

const TableCont = () => { const element = (data: any, cellIndex: any, dataIndex: any) => { if (cellIndex === 0 || cellIndex === 4) { return {data}; } else if (cellIndex === 1) { return (

  } else if (cellIndex === 3) {
    //return <Text style={styles.textStyleCenter}>{data}</Text>
    return <Text style={styles.textStyleCenter}>{data}</Text>;
  } else {
    return <Text style={styles.textStyleCenter}>{data}</Text>;

return (
    <Table borderStyle={styles.tableStyle}>
      <Row data={tableData?.tableHead} flexArr={tableData?.flexArr} style={styles.headStyle} textStyle={styles.headTextStyle} />

    <ScrollView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
      <Table borderStyle={{ borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#C1C0B9" }}>
        {tableData? any, index: any) => (
          <TableWrapper key={index} style={index % 2 == 0 ? styles.rowOdd : styles.rowEven}>
            { any, cellIndex: any, i: any) => (
              <Cell key={cellIndex} flex={tableData?.flexArr[cellIndex]} textStyle={styles.textStyleCenter} data={cellData} />


return (

{apiKeys?.APP_VERSION.buildNumber} {!tableData.tableShow ? null : }

); }

const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: "#fff", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", }, headStyle: { height: 25, backgroundColor: "#0ea5e9", }, rowEven: { height: 39, backgroundColor: "#1f2937", flexDirection: "row", }, rowOdd: { height: 39, backgroundColor: "#111827", flexDirection: "row", }, headTextStyle: { color: "#ffffff", fontWeight: "400", favicon

marginHorizontal: 5,
textAlign: "center",
fontSize: 13,

}, textStyleLeft: { marginLeft: 7, color: "#e7e5e4", textAlign: "left", fontWeight: "100", fontSize: 13, }, textStyleCenter: { color: "#e7e5e4", textAlign: "center", fontWeight: "200", fontSize: 14, }, textStyleRight: { marginRight: 7, color: "#e7e5e4", textAlign: "right", fontWeight: "200", fontSize: 14, }, tableStyle: { borderWidth: 0.5, borderColor: "#ffffff", }, }); `

Console logs and loading information are as follows: ` LOG Received Data LOG Request Time: 202 ms LOG 153192 LOG API Request Time: 210 ms LOG State Update Time: 8664 ms LOG State loaded LOG Total fetchData Time: 8874 ms


When I review the logs, it takes approximately 8876 ms. However, when I remove the table and display the data simply within a Text element, the time becomes:

LOG Received Data LOG Request Time: 194 ms LOG 153192 LOG API Request Time: 201 ms LOG State Update Time: 12 ms LOG State loaded LOG Total fetchData Time: 213 ms

What can I do? What should I check?