doitandbedone / ispyagentdvr-docker

GNU General Public License v3.0
117 stars 45 forks source link

docker AgentDVR/Media/XML/current_port.txt: No such file or directory #725

Closed poisoh closed 5 months ago

poisoh commented 5 months ago

Host Details Hostname docker OS Information linux x86_64 Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Kernel Version 5.15.0-105-generic

version: "3.9" services: ispyagentdvr: image: mekayelanik/ispyagentdvr:latest container_name: ispyagentdvr environment:

root@docker:/var/lib/docker/agentdvr# docker compose up -d

cat: /AgentDVR/Media/XML/current_port.txt: No such file or directory
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 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starting iSpy Agent DVR Surveillance System! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
cat: /AgentDVR/Media/XML/current_port.txt: No such file or directory
 Current AgentDVR Docker Image:
 If this Container is deployed on a Docker-Macvlan or Docker-IPvlan Network, then the IP Address of this AgentDVR container is:, Otherwise the AgentDVR IP is the IP of your HOST Server IP or localhost if you are accessing the WebUI from a Browser on the HOST Server.
 AgentDVR WebUI can be accessed on PORT: 
 Therefore Most Probable AgentDVR WebUI Address: or Your-HOST-Server-IP: or localhost:
 iSpy Agent DVR is free to use locally for private use. You can add as many cameras as you like.
 SSL secured web access, SMS, Twitter, email alerts, mobile device access, cloud uploads, Virtual Reality and other services that use iSpy Agent DVR online platform require a subscription or an annual payment.
 If you desire to obtain a Subscription plan or want a Business License, please visit
This docker image was built at: Sat May  4 22:42:47 +06 2024 : Bangladesh Time (UTC+06)
This Container was started on: Tue May  7 19:27:58 +06 2024
usermod: no changes
ispysoftware commented 5 months ago

Wrong github repo