doitsujin / dxvk

Vulkan-based implementation of D3D9, D3D10 and D3D11 for Linux / Wine
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GTA IV crashing after loading in #3979

Open real693020 opened 2 months ago

real693020 commented 2 months ago

My GTA 4 keeps crashing after i load into the game here's a video of it:

GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 620

GPU Driver Version:

GTAIV_d3d9.log file:

info: Game: GTAIV.exe info: DXVK: v2.3 info: Found config file: dxvk.conf info: Found built-in config: info: d3d9.deviceLostOnFocusLoss = True info: d3d9.supportDFFormats = False info: dxgi.emulateUMA = True info: d3d9.customVendorId = 1002 info: Effective configuration: info: d3d9.customVendorId = 1002 info: dxgi.emulateUMA = True info: d3d9.supportDFFormats = False info: d3d9.deviceLostOnFocusLoss = True info: Vulkan: Found vkGetInstanceProcAddr in vulkan-1.dll @ 0x61ea4620 info: Built-in extension providers: info: Win32 WSI info: OpenVR info: OpenXR info: OpenVR: could not open registry key, status 2 info: OpenVR: Failed to locate module info: Enabled instance extensions: info: VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 info: VK_KHR_surface info: VK_KHR_win32_surface info: D3D9: VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM_S8_UINT -> VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT info: Intel(R) HD Graphics 620: info: Driver : Intel Corporation 103.79.0 info: Memory Heap[0]: info: Size: 4010 MiB info: Flags: 0x1 info: Memory Type[0]: Property Flags = 0x1 info: Memory Type[1]: Property Flags = 0x7 info: Memory Type[2]: Property Flags = 0xf info: Process set as DPI aware info: Device properties: info: Device : Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 info: Driver : Intel Corporation 103.79.0 info: Enabled device extensions: info: VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization info: VK_EXT_custom_border_color info: VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable info: VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock info: VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive info: VK_EXT_hdr_metadata info: VK_EXT_memory_priority info: VK_EXT_robustness2 info: VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export info: VK_EXT_transform_feedback info: VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor info: VK_KHR_external_memory_win32 info: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32 info: VK_KHR_swapchain info: VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex info: Device features: info: robustBufferAccess : 1 info: fullDrawIndexUint32 : 1 info: imageCubeArray : 1 info: independentBlend : 1 info: geometryShader : 1 info: tessellationShader : 0 info: sampleRateShading : 1 info: dualSrcBlend : 0 info: logicOp : 0 info: multiDrawIndirect : 0 info: drawIndirectFirstInstance : 0 info: depthClamp : 1 info: depthBiasClamp : 1 info: fillModeNonSolid : 1 info: depthBounds : 0 info: wideLines : 0 info: multiViewport : 1 info: samplerAnisotropy : 1 info: textureCompressionBC : 1 info: occlusionQueryPrecise : 1 info: pipelineStatisticsQuery : 1 info: vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics : 1 info: fragmentStoresAndAtomics : 0 info: shaderImageGatherExtended : 0 info: shaderClipDistance : 1 info: shaderCullDistance : 1 info: shaderFloat64 : 0 info: shaderInt64 : 0 info: variableMultisampleRate : 1 info: shaderResourceResidency : 0 info: shaderResourceMinLod : 0 info: sparseBinding : 0 info: sparseResidencyBuffer : 0 info: sparseResidencyImage2D : 0 info: sparseResidencyImage3D : 0 info: sparseResidency2Samples : 0 info: sparseResidency4Samples : 0 info: sparseResidency8Samples : 0 info: sparseResidency16Samples : 0 info: sparseResidencyAliased : 0 info: Vulkan 1.1 info: shaderDrawParameters : 0 info: Vulkan 1.2 info: samplerMirrorClampToEdge : 1 info: drawIndirectCount : 1 info: samplerFilterMinmax : 0 info: hostQueryReset : 1 info: timelineSemaphore : 1 info: bufferDeviceAddress : 0 info: shaderOutputViewportIndex : 1 info: shaderOutputLayer : 1 info: vulkanMemoryModel : 1 info: Vulkan 1.3 info: robustImageAccess : 0 info: pipelineCreationCacheControl : 1 info: shaderDemoteToHelperInvocation : 1 info: shaderZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemory : 0 info: synchronization2 : 1 info: dynamicRendering : 1 info: VK_AMD_shader_fragment_mask info: extension supported : 0 info: VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout info: attachmentFeedbackLoopLayout : 0 info: VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization info: extension supported : 1 info: VK_EXT_custom_border_color info: customBorderColors : 1 info: customBorderColorWithoutFormat : 1 info: VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable info: depthClipEnable : 1 info: VK_EXT_depth_bias_control info: depthBiasControl : 0 info: leastRepresentableValueForceUnormRepresentation : 0 info: floatRepresentation : 0 info: depthBiasExact : 0 info: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3 info: extDynamicState3AlphaToCoverageEnable : 0 info: extDynamicState3DepthClipEnable : 0 info: extDynamicState3RasterizationSamples : 0 info: extDynamicState3SampleMask : 0 info: extDynamicState3LineRasterizationMode : 0 info: VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock info: fragmentShaderSampleInterlock : 0 info: fragmentShaderPixelInterlock : 0 info: VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive info: extension supported : 1 info: VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library info: graphicsPipelineLibrary : 0 info: VK_EXT_line_rasterization info: rectangularLines : 0 info: smoothLines : 0 info: VK_EXT_memory_budget info: extension supported : 1 info: VK_EXT_memory_priority info: memoryPriority : 1 info: VK_EXT_non_seamless_cube_map info: nonSeamlessCubeMap : 0 info: VK_EXT_robustness2 info: robustBufferAccess2 : 1 info: robustImageAccess2 : 1 info: nullDescriptor : 1 info: VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier info: shaderModuleIdentifier : 0 info: VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export info: extension supported : 1 info: VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace info: extension supported : 0 info: VK_EXT_swapchain_maintenance1 info: swapchainMaintenance1 : 0 info: VK_EXT_hdr_metadata info: extension supported : 1 info: VK_EXT_transform_feedback info: transformFeedback : 0 info: geometryStreams : 0 info: VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor info: vertexAttributeInstanceRateDivisor : 1 info: vertexAttributeInstanceRateZeroDivisor : 1 info: VK_KHR_external_memory_win32 info: extension supported : 1 info: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32 info: extension supported : 1 info: VK_KHR_maintenance5 info: maintenance5 : 0 info: VK_KHR_present_id info: presentId : 0 info: VK_KHR_present_wait info: presentWait : 0 info: VK_NVX_binary_import info: extension supported : 0 info: VK_NVX_image_view_handle info: extension supported : 0 info: VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex info: extension supported : 1 info: Queue families: info: Graphics : 0 info: Transfer : 0 info: Sparse : 0 info: DXVK: Read 61 valid state cache entries info: DXVK: Graphics pipeline libraries not supported info: D3D9DeviceEx::ResetSwapChain: info: Requested Presentation Parameters info: - Width: 1920 info: - Height: 1080 info: - Format: D3D9Format::A8R8G8B8 info: - Auto Depth Stencil: false info: ^ Format: D3D9Format::D24S8 info: - Windowed: false info: - Swap effect: 1 info: Presenter: Actual swap chain properties: info: Format: VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM info: Color space: VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR info: Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR (dynamic: no) info: Buffer size: 1920x1055 info: Image count: 3 info: Exclusive FS: 0 info: Setting display mode: 1920x1080@0 info: Setting display mode: 1920x1080@0 info: DXVK: Using 4 compiler threads info: D3D9: VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM_S8_UINT -> VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT info: Intel(R) HD Graphics 620: info: Driver : Intel Corporation 103.79.0 info: Memory Heap[0]: info: Size: 4010 MiB info: Flags: 0x1 info: Memory Type[0]: Property Flags = 0x1 info: Memory Type[1]: Property Flags = 0x7 info: Memory Type[2]: Property Flags = 0xf info: Process set as DPI aware info: Device reset info: D3D9DeviceEx::ResetSwapChain: info: Requested Presentation Parameters info: - Width: 1280 info: - Height: 720 info: - Format: D3D9Format::A8R8G8B8 info: - Auto Depth Stencil: false info: ^ Format: D3D9Format::D24S8 info: - Windowed: false info: - Swap effect: 1 info: Setting display mode: 1280x720@60 info: Setting display mode: 1280x720@60 info: Presenter: Actual swap chain properties: info: Format: VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM info: Color space: VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR info: Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR (dynamic: no) info: Buffer size: 1280x720 info: Image count: 3 info: Exclusive FS: 0 info: Device reset info: D3D9DeviceEx::ResetSwapChain: info: Requested Presentation Parameters info: - Width: 1280 info: - Height: 720 info: - Format: D3D9Format::A8R8G8B8 info: - Auto Depth Stencil: false info: ^ Format: D3D9Format::D24S8 info: - Windowed: false info: - Swap effect: 1 info: Setting display mode: 1280x720@60 info: Setting display mode: 1280x720@60 info: Presenter: Actual swap chain properties: info: Format: VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM info: Color space: VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR info: Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR (dynamic: no) info: Buffer size: 199x34 info: Image count: 3 info: Exclusive FS: 0 info: Device reset info: D3D9DeviceEx::ResetSwapChain: info: Requested Presentation Parameters info: - Width: 1280 info: - Height: 720 info: - Format: D3D9Format::A8R8G8B8 info: - Auto Depth Stencil: false info: ^ Format: D3D9Format::D24S8 info: - Windowed: false info: - Swap effect: 1 info: Presenter: Actual swap chain properties: info: Format: VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM info: Color space: VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR info: Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR (dynamic: no) info: Buffer size: 1280x720 info: Image count: 3 info: Exclusive FS: 0 info: Setting display mode: 1280x720@60 info: Setting display mode: 1280x720@60 info: Presenter: Actual swap chain properties: info: Format: VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM info: Color space: VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR info: Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR (dynamic: no) info: Buffer size: 1280x720 info: Image count: 3 info: Exclusive FS: 0 info: Device reset info: D3D9DeviceEx::ResetSwapChain: info: Requested Presentation Parameters

Blisto91 commented 2 months ago

Log doesn't show anything unusual. The game is known to run well in general so this could likely just be a driver or other setup issue. Also always test with latest version if you haven't tried 2.3.1 already.

real693020 commented 2 months ago

i did use the latest version and tried other versions as well. it still crashes

Asneb commented 1 month ago

dxvk unrelated but try using ivfixer , needs a clean copy of the game to work.

DxvkOnGtaFiveeee commented 1 month ago

Try downgrading the game. or generally work fine. (If you have DLCs don't downgrade to; it doesn't support them)