dojo / cli

:rocket: Dojo - command line tooling.
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Using "global" cli args in .dojorc file throws #302

Open devpaul opened 4 years ago

devpaul commented 4 years ago


There are two "global" command line arguments: dojorc and force. When one of these is added to the .dojorc file they throw an exception.


This happens currently with the .dojorc file

    "create-app": {},
    "build-app": {
        "dojorc": [ ".dojorc" ]

This is due to how getOptions() checks against aliases.

A quick fix for this might be to check aliases[key] exists and if it doesn't don't add anything to config. A better feature would be to warn when force or dojorc is used in the .dojorc file and quit gracefully.

Package Version: master

Expected behavior:

I would expect dojorc or force in the .dojorc file would log a warning to the console and quit.

Actual behavior:

An unhandled exception was thrown crashing out of the cli