dojo / dgrid

:rocket: Dojo 2 - reactive, extensible grid widget.
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Placeholder Rows #9

Open pottedmeat opened 7 years ago

pottedmeat commented 7 years ago


When interacting with the grid, we will often see a row that spans all columns that contains a simple message about the behavior taking place. In dgrid 1, the following overrides appear (as strings):

As an attempt to cover all situations placeholder rows may appear, consider the following:

The discussion we should have is whether we can outline every situation we expect to encounter during grid interaction and provide widgets for these, exposed through the grid's registry or introduce a completely dynamic approach where we ask a callback for the widget to use based on an item the data provider placed in the data set.

dylans commented 7 years ago

Presumably the placeholder rows will just be widgets, and they can existing as something that covers an entire dgrid, the entire body of the grid (excluding headers/footers), a row, or a cell (or any other widget level in a grid). Beyond that they contain a series of messages, some standard, and perhaps some that are custom). I can conceive a scenario where dismissing them could trigger a change event. For example, suppose the data was empty because of a network timeout or the data becomes stale (the latter of which is perhaps another message to have for a placeholder?), and the user wants to refresh/try again?

cc @matt-gadd and @agubler for their thoughts.