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Create Summary of Standards and Patterns for Dojo 2 Article (Glossary) #168

Open morrinene opened 7 years ago

morrinene commented 7 years ago
tomdye commented 7 years ago


css modules

css modules scope your class names such that they do not leak outside of your widgets / components. We use them along with typed css modules to provide intelisense. Dojo 2 identifies its css-module files with a .m.css extension.

css custom properties

css custom properties allow you to use variables and properties within your css code. We use these within our variables.css file. This is not a css-module file so does not have a .m.css extension.

css next

css next allows you to use future css syntax in older browsers. It provides functions for color changes and bundles in auto-prefixer to handle browser prefixes.

post css

post css is a tool for transforming your styles with javascript plugins. It is the tool that we use to apply css-next, custom-properties and css-modules to Dojo 2 styles.



Typescript is a superset of javascript which allows you to write strictly typed javascript using cutting edge standards. The Typescript compiler outputs javascript that can work in any browser.


Dojo 2 uses ES2015 classes to define its components. The format may be familiar to those coming from a java or dojo 1x background.


The use of the typescript compiler allows Dojo 2 to make use of many ES2015 and ES-next features and syntax.

pointer events

Dojo 2 uses Pointer Events to standardise input from mouse / touch.

intersection observers

Intersection Observers allow Dojo2 to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document's viewport.

web animations

Web Animations are used within Dojo 2 to create functional animations where css animations are not suitable.


Class and property level Decorators allow you to declaratively alter the shape of declarations and functions. For example. we use a @beforeRender decorator in Dojo 2 to run a given function before the widget render.




