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Create PoC for generating API docs #350

Closed vansimke closed 6 years ago

vansimke commented 6 years ago

Create a proof of concept that automatically generates the API documentation for Dojo 2's repos from the source code. Ideally, solution shouldn't be too rigid - consider the creation of an intermediate format (e.g. JSON) that is then transformed into the final HTML.

vansimke commented 6 years ago

I'm planning on starting by creating an importer that works for a single file for example @dojo/core/Evented.ts. Goal will be to have it parse the API (external aspects of the module) and store it in a TS data structure. From there, if things look favorable, we can move on to export a neutral format (such as JSON), or use the existing code to perform the additional transformations that are required to generate the HTML. In the later case, the in-memory TS data structure would serve as the neutral format.

Estimated time: 3 days

devpaul commented 6 years ago

I've forked from @vansimke's development branch and added functionality for using the docviewer (from with the new designs. Created a docs branch here so we can continue work.

devpaul commented 6 years ago

Remaining work to implement the new designs:

  1. Highlight the current article/page
  2. Expand the current selection w/ sub-nav
  1. Fill the Table of Contents sub-nav for the current page/document w/ sub-page items
  1. Desktop (cleanup)
  2. Tablet (implement)
  3. Mobile (implement hamburger)
  1. Update all of the Dojo 2 project readmes to include docviewer content w/ links to api.json and other pages for sub-nav
  1. Build Dojo 2 APIs
  2. Add building docs as part of the build step in dojo/grunt-dojo2 so it builds api.json when the project builds
  3. Update the api.json build to use TS 2.6 (current 2.4)
devpaul commented 6 years ago

WIP branch here:

I've updated the docviewer to so it highlights the selected topic in the table of contents.


jason0x43 commented 6 years ago

I have another WIP branch at It's based off if Torrey's design work in (not surprisingly) the itorrey-docs-revamp branch in his fork. The doc viewer code is a bit different because I started from a different direction, but the API code is mostly the same.

jason0x43 commented 6 years ago

I pushed a number of updates to the viewer code, mostly to clean up the rendering flow and fix some IE11 issues. The latest version points to forks of repos that contain API docs (cli, core, has, widget-core, widgets) and the canonical repos for everything else.

devpaul commented 6 years ago

Closing this. We currently generate API docs via an api.json file via Intern's tooling.