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README and API updates for #239

Closed devpaul closed 5 years ago

devpaul commented 6 years ago

To support efforts pulling live documentation from the project sites by's doc viewer project README files need to be updated to provide a table of contents and an api.json should be provided. Current work is ongoing in the docs branch and captured in dojo/


For the README updates, the in the master branch should be updated to include a table of contents to the remaining documentation. Example is in and should look something like

<!-- doc-viewer-config
    "api": "docs/api.json",
    "pages": [
-->'s docviewer uses this section to generate its table of contents and load in content.


APIs need to be generated using typedoc. I used @theintern/dev/intern-dev-apis to generate the api.json file. This script needs to be updated to use TS2.6 (the current typedoc uses 2.4) or it can be worked around by adding ignoreCompilerErrors to the options.

Ultimately we want to update grunt-dojo2 to automatically generate api.json as part of the build process like Intern does. But in the short term, we need these api.json files for RC1. It's worth noting that we had previously used typedoc to generate API docs, but ran into issues because typedoc didn't aggressively upgrade their version of TypeScript as fast as Dojo 2 creating lock-in.


READMEs and APIs can be tested against any repository by updating's docsets.json; building and serving the project locally.