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`slot` CLI Documentation #261

Open juandiegocv27 opened 2 weeks ago

juandiegocv27 commented 2 weeks ago

The current CLI documentation for 'Slot' lacks the comprehensive detail found in the 'Sozo/Katana' guides. We aim to bring 'Slot' up to par by clearly documenting all commands, arguments, options, and providing concise examples. #202

juandiegocv27 commented 2 weeks ago

@milancermak @ptisserand @broody @thiscaspar I just created the issue, assign it to me

kariy commented 2 weeks ago

assigned :)

juandiegocv27 commented 2 weeks ago

assigned :)

thank u, I tried to contact to you from discord but I dont fin the the username :( (My discord user is juglitott, and in telegram juandiegocar), and about the documentation, could you send me more about the issue and the part in the code to cofigure, I just saw there's maybe a spot in the the code of docs about Katana, maybe I need to configure the @kariy

kariy commented 2 weeks ago

thank u, I tried to contact to you from discord but I dont fin the the username :( (My discord user is juglitott, and in telegram juandiegocar),

hmm, i cant find you username either. if you're in the Dojo discord server, you can find my name (same pfp) under the 'sensei' role.

and about the documentation, could you send me more about the issue and the part in the code to cofigure,

For starters, you can take a look at all commands that slot has. You can learn about them by playing around with the slot CLI tool, and can learn more from reading the source code itself. We need to document the commands, arguments, option flags, etc.

You can just follow the pages structure for sozo, where each command and shared option is placed in their own .md/.mdx file.

I just saw there's maybe a spot in the the code of docs about Katana, maybe I need to configure the @kariy

You don't have to do change anything under the Katana section, only Slot.