ByteBeasts: take care of your beast inpired by pou game
The goal is to transform the ByteBeasts website into a more interactive experience, moving beyond just viewing Beasts minted and stored in the wallet. The idea is to create a game inspired by the classic mobile game Pou, where you can feed and raise your beasts, which are NFTs that can also be used within ByteBeasts.
ByteBuildersLabs is an onchain game studio born in Dojo Coding, actually we are building ByteBeasts, a pokemon style rpg game that we had the opportunity to presented at Starknet Brussels Hacker House and Dojo Residency Program in New York.
Idea Summary
ByteBeasts: take care of your beast inpired by pou game
The goal is to transform the ByteBeasts website into a more interactive experience, moving beyond just viewing Beasts minted and stored in the wallet. The idea is to create a game inspired by the classic mobile game Pou, where you can feed and raise your beasts, which are NFTs that can also be used within ByteBeasts.
ByteBuildersLabs is an onchain game studio born in Dojo Coding, actually we are building ByteBeasts, a pokemon style rpg game that we had the opportunity to presented at Starknet Brussels Hacker House and Dojo Residency Program in New York.
Team members for the Game Jam:
@RolandoDrRobot @danielcdz @juandiegocv27 @coxmars @jimenezz22
Looking for Members