dojot / docker-compose

docker-compose configuration for quick deployment of dojot IoT platform
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Can't send a message to Web Interface #64

Closed victordamazio closed 6 years ago

victordamazio commented 6 years ago

Yesterday, everything was working fine, but then I tried the same command, and it didn't work.

The command is the same from the tutorial:

mosquitto_pub -t /devices/thermometers -i "admin:c800df" -m '{"temperatura" : 60}'

The temperatura instead of temperature is not a typo.

victordamazio commented 6 years ago


giovannicuriel commented 6 years ago

I suspect that the problem is that the message was not received right? Could you, please, check if all containers are ok? (executing the command docker-compose ps. It is expected that both kong-config and kong-migration are down.

victordamazio commented 6 years ago

kong-config and kong-migration are on Exit 0, what should I do now?

giovannicuriel commented 6 years ago

Ok, let's check this step-by-step. First, the basic stuff:

victordamazio commented 6 years ago

When I type docker-compose ps, the iotagent-mqtt is on Exit 255

I executed docker-compose logs -f iotagent-mqtt but I don't know what happened, and I don't think nothing changed, the messages are still not working.

victordamazio commented 6 years ago

Guess it didn't work, maybe tomorrow I'll try reinstalling everything.

giovannicuriel commented 6 years ago

All containers are stopped? Or is it just iotagent-mqtt?

victordamazio commented 6 years ago

The kong containers and iotagent are down.

I'll try messing with it again, but guess I'll try uninstalling everything, but it will probably not work, the issue will likely come back when I turn off the Virtual Machine once again.

Is there anything I can do to restart Kong and Iotagent?

victordamazio commented 6 years ago

I tried typing sudo docker-compose up and one of the messages was: Starting dockercompose_iotagent-mqtt_1 ... error

victordamazio commented 6 years ago

I'm typing this command, according to the tutorial:

mosquitto_pub -t /device/thermometers -i "admin:5aded0" -m '{"temperature" : 60}'

Do you think there's any mistake in this? Any typo?

victordamazio commented 6 years ago

When I type sudo docker-compose ps:

dockercompose_apigw_1                  / /bin ...   Up>8000/tcp, 8001/tcp, 8443/tcp, 8444/tcp
dockercompose_auth-redis_1    redis ...   Up         6379/tcp                                            
dockercompose_auth_1                   ./ start                Up         5000/tcp                                            
dockercompose_data-broker-redis_1 redis ...   Up         6379/tcp                                            
dockercompose_data-broker_1            npm run subscription             Up         80/tcp                                              
dockercompose_device-manager-redis_1 redis ...   Up         6379/tcp                                            
dockercompose_device-manager_1         ./docker/           Up         5000/tcp                                            
dockercompose_ejbca_1                  /root/              Up         5583/tcp, 8080/tcp, 8443/tcp                        
dockercompose_flowbroker_1             node index.js -w 1 -s            Up                                                             
dockercompose_gui_1                    nginx -g daemon off;             Up         80/tcp                                              
dockercompose_history_1                ./docker/falcon-docker-ent ...   Up         8000/tcp                                            
dockercompose_iotagent-mqtt_1          /opt/               Exit 255                                                       
dockercompose_kafka_1                  /                        Up         7203/tcp, 9092/tcp                                  
dockercompose_kong-config_1            /opt/              Exit 0                                                         
dockercompose_kong-migration_1         / kong ...   Exit 0                                                         
dockercompose_mongodb_1       mongod      Up         27017/tcp                                           
dockercompose_mosca-redis_1   redis ...   Up         6379/tcp                                            
dockercompose_persister_1              python history/subscriber/ ...   Up                                                             
dockercompose_postgres_1      postgres    Up         5432/tcp                                            
dockercompose_rabbitmq_1      rabbi ...   Up         25672/tcp, 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp, 5672/tcp             
dockercompose_zookeeper_1              / zkSe ...   Up         2181/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp         
victordamazio commented 6 years ago

Also, I tried sudo docker-compose up -d

dockercompose_ejbca_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_data-broker-redis_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_postgres_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_gui_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_mongodb_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_mosca-redis_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_zookeeper_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_auth-redis_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_rabbitmq_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_device-manager-redis_1 is up-to-date
Starting dockercompose_kong-migration_1 ... 
dockercompose_auth_1 is up-to-date
Starting dockercompose_kong-migration_1
dockercompose_history_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_kafka_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_flowbroker_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_data-broker_1 is up-to-date
dockercompose_device-manager_1 is up-to-date
Starting dockercompose_iotagent-mqtt_1 ... 
dockercompose_persister_1 is up-to-date
Starting dockercompose_iotagent-mqtt_1 ... error

ERROR: for dockercompose_iotagent-mqtt_1  Cannot start service iotagent-mqtt: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint dockercompose_iotagent-mqtt_1 (825a4565cd08bd497c4596fdbacbad30Starting dockercompose_kong-migration_1 ... done
dockercompose_apigw_1 is up-to-date
Starting dockercompose_kong-config_1 ... 
Starting dockercompose_kong-config_1 ... done

ERROR: for iotagent-mqtt  Cannot start service iotagent-mqtt: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint dockercompose_iotagent-mqtt_1 (825a4565cd08bd497c4596fdbacbad300ab63c9844a7eb4260f9e250dcfd9b65): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Maybe this is the issue, but what should I do?

victordamazio commented 6 years ago

Reinstalled everything, it's working.

But it's possible that everything will stop working again if I reset the virtual machine again, don't close the issue yet.

giovannicuriel commented 6 years ago

This might be related to docker itself, not iotagent:

Let's keep track of this docker issue to see if there's any update on this.

danielnunesdeoliveira commented 2 years ago

Hello @mariane-previde , @rascaraficci

I got the same problem. Can someone help me?

Figura 1 - Container with problem image

The command "service docker restart" was applied by someone ? If yes, it was enough ?

Figura 2 - "service docker restart" command image

I am really worried... if I kill iotagent mqtt container, the DEVICE_ID number can stop working?

Figura 3 - My device id number image

danielnunesdeoliveira commented 2 years ago

My problem was resolved.

The problem were two brokers(iotagent-Mqtt and Mosquitto Server) running on same port 1883.

Regards Dojot team.