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User mode file system library for windows with FUSE Wrapper
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Need Solution for Error Handling in CloseFile for Remote Drive with FTP Integration #1241

Closed cowboy823 closed 1 month ago

cowboy823 commented 1 month ago

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I'm currently developing a remote drive that functions similarly to a local drive but uses a remote directory on an FTP server. The primary function is to allow users to copy files to this drive, which internally triggers the transfer of files to the FTP server. After the file copying process completes, I need to implement a feature that verifies if the entire file content was successfully transferred to the remote server. My initial approach is to perform this integrity check within the DokanCloseFile function. However, I noticed that DokanCloseFile does not return a value, which poses a challenge. If an error occurs during the file close operation (e.g., the file content is not completely transferred), there's no mechanism for DokanCloseFile to report this error. Consequently, Explorer or other applications won't be able to detect the error and notify the user, such as prompting for a file retransfer. Request: Could you please provide guidance or a potential solution to handle this scenario? Specifically, I'm looking for a way to inform Explorer or the corresponding application that an error occurred during the close operation so that the user can be notified and take appropriate action. Any suggestions or workarounds to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!


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