dokar3 / quickjs-kt

A QuickJS binding for idiomatic Kotlin, with Async/DSL/ES Modules support.
Apache License 2.0
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Some questions about cocurrency #96

Closed TelephoneTan closed 3 weeks ago

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

I love this library, but I have some questions.

Question1: Can I use exactly one same QuickJS instance on two coroutines/threads?

Question2: According to the README, QuickJs.create(Dispatchers.Default), what exactly is the dispatcher parameter used for? Must it be a single-thread dispatcher(because JavaScript is a single-thread language)?

dokar3 commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for using it!

For Question 1: You can share the instance between multiple threads, it's thread safe. But you won't able to evaluate concurrently, the instance uses some global states which prevents this, and quickjs itself doesn't seem to be thread-safe as far as I know.

For Question 2: The dispatcher passed in the create() function is the job dispatcher, which is used to execute async function bindings. It's safe to use a multi-threaded dispatcher since locks are used internally when interacting with the JS part.

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

Does every QuickJS instance hold an individual native quickjs instance under the hood which means they won't impact each other?

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

If I call function() twice with the same name, what would happen? Will the new function replace the old one has the same name? Will this cause a memory leak?

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for using it!

For Question 1: You can share the instance between multiple threads, it's thread safe. But you won't able to evaluate concurrently, the instance uses some global states which prevents this, and quickjs itself doesn't seem to be thread-safe as far as I know.

For Question 2: The dispatcher passed in the create() function is the job dispatcher, which is used to execute async function bindings. It's safe to use a multi-threaded dispatcher since locks are used internally when interacting with the JS part.

Is it ok to share a QuickJS instance between two different threads if both threads call evaluate sequentially(one after another, not concurrently)?

If the dispatcher is used to handle asyncFunction, then does the non async part JS code run directly on the thread that calls evaluate? Will this be a problem because two evaluate calls may lie on two different threads(even not concurrently, there can be memory-visibily issues between threads in JVM such as ThreadLocal variables)?

dokar3 commented 1 month ago

Does every QuickJS instance hold an individual native quickjs instance under the hood which means they won't impact each other?


If I call function() twice with the same name, what would happen? Will the new function replace the old one has the same name? Will this cause a memory leak?

Yes, the latest will be called when calling it from JS. There is no leak but the native data of the old function will remain until the instance is closed.

Is it ok to share a QuickJS instance between two different threads if both threads call evaluate sequentially(one after another, not concurrently)?

Yes, it's okay to do that. Concurrent calls should work too even though they can't be executed concurrently, but it does not work now, probably a bug, will fix this.

then does the non async part JS code run directly on the thread that calls evaluate?


Will this be a problem because two evaluate calls may lie on two different threads(even not concurrently, there can be memory-visibily issues between threads in JVM such as ThreadLocal variables)?

Yes, async function bindings are called directly from CoroutineScope(jobDispatcher).launch {}, they are just like other suspend functions, so everything we had in the JVM world is still there.

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your quick reply.

Will this be a problem because two evaluate calls may lie on two different threads(even not concurrently, there can be memory-visibily issues between threads in JVM such as ThreadLocal variables)?

Yes, async function bindings are called directly from CoroutineScope(jobDispatcher).launch {}, they are just like other suspend functions, so everything we had in the JVM world is still there.

But I don't mean the asyncFunction call, I mean the evaluate, if the non async JS code run directly on the thread which makes the evaluate call, consider about this:

val js : QuickJS = TODO()
val lock : Lock = TODO()
    js.evaluate("some code here")
    js.evaluate("some other code here")

the two js.evaluate("some code here") here would never run concurrently because of the lock, and if the first evaluate to run make some normal memory state change under the hood, these changes will also be visible to the second evaluate, which guaranteed by the "happens before" relationship built by the lock, so there seems no thread-safe issues with the help of the lock.

BUT the lock won't help too if the evaluate call or the native code use ThreadLocal variables internally, because the two evaluate calls could be dispatched to two totally different threads.

so if the JS code executed by evaluate call directly runs on the same thread as the evaluate, the only way to eliminate the multithreading bugs is to make sure all evaluate calls are on the same thread, like this:

val js : QuickJS = TODO()
val singleThreadDispatcher : CoroutineDispatcher = TODO()
withContext(singleThreadDispatcher){ // <========== same thread
    js.evaluate("some code here")
withContext(singleThreadDispatcher){ // <========== same thread
    js.evaluate("some other code here")

Is this true? Please correct me if I am wrong.

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

By the way, I am really curious: If evaluate runs JS code directly on its current thread, what would happen if I evaluate JS code like this:

new Promise((resolve)=> {
    /** some IO code here ... **/
    /** callback code here ... **/

Will the evaluate return immediately(because the code doesn't wait for the promise)? If so, will the Promise continue to do its job under the hood? If the Promise keep running, which thread does it run its callback code on?

dokar3 commented 1 month ago

No problem.

Is this true? Please correct me if I am wrong.

Sorry for misunderstanding the problem. This is much more a quickjs question than a library question, as I know, quickjs does not use thread locals for anything, and neither does this library, so both multithreaded dispatchers and single-threaded dispatchers are okay in this case.

Will the evaluate return immediately(because the code doesn't wait for the promise)? If so, will the Promise continue to do its job under the hood?

Even if we don't await the promise, evaluate() will still be blocked until all jobs are completed.

If the Promise keep running, which thread does it run its callback code on?

In this case, its callback will be executed in the evaluate() thread. But if we await the IO call, the callback (or the subsequent code) will be executed in the thread used to run the IO code.

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

How can it be?

As far as I know, in JavaScript async/await is just a syntax sugar to simplify the traditional Promise.then() code style.

Why would its behaviour differ from the Promise.then() code?

dokar3 commented 1 month ago

I have no idea how quickjs handle promises internally, but from the aspect of its API, if we await an external promise (asyncFunction in this library), the JS execution will be paused until resolve or reject is called from C code. This is something much like Kotlin Coroutines IMO.

In this library, resolve and reject are called (through JNI) in the coroutine used to run asyncFunction, so the subsequent execution is in the same thread.

new Promise(async (resolve) => {
  await delay(1000); // execution paused here
.then(() => {

If we never await the promise created by asyncFunction and call resolve in the JS code, there is no pause, the callback code will be executed immediately.

new Promise(async (resolve) => {
.then(() => {
TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

That's wierd, could you please post some links to the relative quickjs api doc or something?

I can't find any description about the promise or await or event-loop on QuickJS's website. Sad.

dokar3 commented 1 month ago

I also can't find any doc about quickjs' promise API, I haven't read the code but I believe it just follows the JS spec:

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

I have no idea how quickjs handle promises internally, but from the aspect of its API, if we await an external promise (asyncFunction in this library), the JS execution will be paused until resolve or reject is called from C code. This is something much like Kotlin Coroutines IMO.

In this library, resolve and reject are called (through JNI) in the coroutine used to run asyncFunction, so the subsequent execution is in the same thread.

new Promise(async (resolve) => {
  await delay(1000); // execution paused here
.then(() => {

If we never await the promise created by asyncFunction and call resolve in the JS code, there is no pause, the callback code will be executed immediately.

new Promise(async (resolve) => {
.then(() => {

What do you mean by "the JS execution will be paused"?

Do you mean the whole js event loop being stopped, or just the code after the await statement being suspended?

If the whole js event loop stops, not only this Promise, but other Promise callbacks won't have a chance to run, and that's definitely not the standard behaviour documented on the MDN.

dokar3 commented 1 month ago

or just the code after the await statement being suspended?


Event loop does not come with the quickjs engine, instead we poll jobs manually in a loop. See

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

I have check your code, I think they are just ok except here:

internal actual fun invokeAsyncFunction(
        args: Array<Any?>,
        block: suspend (bindingArgs: Array<Any?>) -> Any?,
    ) {
        val (resolveHandle, rejectHandle) = promiseHandlesFromArgs(args)
        val job = coroutineScope.launch {
            try {
                val result = block(args.sliceArray(2..<args.size))
                jsMutex.withLock {
                    // Call resolve() on JNI side
                        context = context,
                        globals = globals,
                        handle = resolveHandle,
                        args = arrayOf(result)
            } catch (e: Throwable) {
                jsMutex.withLock {
                    // Call reject() on JNI side
                        context = context,
                        globals = globals,
                        handle = rejectHandle,
                        args = arrayOf(e)
            jsMutex.withLock {
                while (executePendingJob(context, globals)) {
                    // The job is completed, see what we can do next
        job.invokeOnCompletion {
            jobsMutex.withLockSync { asyncJobs -= job }
        jobsMutex.withLockSync { asyncJobs += job }

Why bother adding a while loop to executePendingJob after the async job finishes? There is already one loop to poll the pending task inside evaluate:

private suspend fun evalAndAwait(evalBlock: suspend () -> Any?): Any? {


evalException = null


jsMutex.withLock { evalBlock() }


val result = jsMutex.withLock { getEvaluateResult(context, globals) }


return result

dokar3 commented 1 month ago

It's for job cancellation when an async function throws and no one catches the error, we call it to fire an unhandled promise rejection call which then cancels all running jobs.

that might look weird but it's necessary because the 'event loop' we have in evaluate polls jobs and joins them all before starting the next poll so it won't cancel anything.

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

Interesting, could you point out the code that cancels jobs when asyncFunction fails?

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago

I have check your code, I think they are just ok except here:

internal actual fun invokeAsyncFunction(
        args: Array<Any?>,
        block: suspend (bindingArgs: Array<Any?>) -> Any?,
    ) {
        val (resolveHandle, rejectHandle) = promiseHandlesFromArgs(args)
        val job = coroutineScope.launch {
            try {
                val result = block(args.sliceArray(2..<args.size))
                jsMutex.withLock {
                    // Call resolve() on JNI side
                        context = context,
                        globals = globals,
                        handle = resolveHandle,
                        args = arrayOf(result)
            } catch (e: Throwable) {
                jsMutex.withLock {
                    // Call reject() on JNI side
                        context = context,
                        globals = globals,
                        handle = rejectHandle,
                        args = arrayOf(e)
            jsMutex.withLock {
                while (executePendingJob(context, globals)) {
                    // The job is completed, see what we can do next
        job.invokeOnCompletion {
            jobsMutex.withLockSync { asyncJobs -= job }
        jobsMutex.withLockSync { asyncJobs += job }

Why bother adding a while loop to executePendingJob after the async job finishes? There is already one loop to poll the pending task inside evaluate:

private suspend fun evalAndAwait(evalBlock: suspend () -> Any?): Any? {


evalException = null


jsMutex.withLock { evalBlock() }


val result = jsMutex.withLock { getEvaluateResult(context, globals) }


return result


There is already a try...catch block around the async function invoke,

so how exactly does the while loop under the try...catch block help with "the error no one catches"? What error is it?

dokar3 commented 1 month ago

You can find them in setUnhandledPromiseRejection(), which will be called by the C code.

executePendingJob() does the work of letting quickjs fire the call.

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago
internal actual fun invokeAsyncFunction(
        args: Array<Any?>,
        block: suspend (bindingArgs: Array<Any?>) -> Any?,
    ) {
        val (resolveHandle, rejectHandle) = promiseHandlesFromArgs(args)
        val job = coroutineScope.launch {
            try {
                val result = block(args.sliceArray(2..<args.size))
                jsMutex.withLock {
                    // Call resolve() on JNI side
                        context = context,
                        globals = globals,
                        handle = resolveHandle,
                        args = arrayOf(result)
            } catch (e: Throwable) {
                jsMutex.withLock {
                    // Call reject() on JNI side
                        context = context,
                        globals = globals,
                        handle = rejectHandle,
                        args = arrayOf(e)
            jsMutex.withLock {
                while (executePendingJob(context, globals)) {
                    // The job is completed, see what we can do next
        job.invokeOnCompletion {
            jobsMutex.withLockSync { asyncJobs -= job }
        jobsMutex.withLockSync { asyncJobs += job }

If the job gets completed too quickly, the asyncJobs-=job will be executed before asyncJobd+=job, which will leak the job.

TelephoneTan commented 1 month ago
    private suspend fun awaitAsyncJobs() {
         * This is our simple 'event loop'.
        while (true) {
            jsMutex.withLock {
                do {
                    val executed = executePendingJob(context, globals)
                } while (executed)
            val jobs = jobsMutex.withLock { asyncJobs.filter { it.isActive } }
            if (jobs.isEmpty()) {
                // No jobs to run

If the async kotlin code finishes too quickly, the resolve or reject has been called, the callback is executing by the executePendingJob in invokeAsyncFunction, but the async job has not been added to the asyncJobs, the evaluate call will return without waiting for invokeAsyncFunction'sexecutePendingJob.

dokar3 commented 4 weeks ago

If the job gets completed too quickly, the asyncJobs-=job will be executed before asyncJobd+=job, which will leak the job.

Yep, this might happen but it will be fine even if we don't remove it from the list, jobs are not some resources from our perspective. Anyway, adjusting their order will hurt nothing.

the evaluate call will return without waiting for invokeAsyncFunction's executePendingJob.

I don't quite get this, executePendingJob is a synchronous call, how can it be that the job has been completed, but executePendingJob has not?

TelephoneTan commented 4 weeks ago

I don't quite get this, executePendingJob is a synchronous call, how can it be that the job has been completed, but executePendingJob has not?

Sorry, I was wrong, that is impossible.

BUT, I still have a question: if executePendingJob fires an unhandled promise rejection call, then why not leave the duty to the executePendingJob in awaitAsyncJobs, instead of adding an extra executePendingJob to take care of this in invokeAsyncFunction?

dokar3 commented 4 weeks ago

I got it, awaitAsyncJobs can do this job. Suppose we have two async functions, one will fail and the other will not:

var isOkay = false

asyncFunction("fail") {

asyncFunction("okay") {
   isOkay = true   

evaluate<Any?>("okay(); fail();")


In invokeAsyncFunction we simply call executePendingJob() after the resolve/reject call, this will immediately cancel okay() after fail() throws;

In awaitAsyncJobs we might need to call invokeOnCompletion on every job so we can cancel okay() after fail() throws.

suspend fun awaitAsyncJobs() {
    jobs.forEach {
            it.invokeOnCompletion {
                while (executePendingJob(context, globals)) {}
    jobs.joinAll() // Evil is here, we can't use the first executePendingJob to fail fast
TelephoneTan commented 4 weeks ago

OK, I got it, without executePendingJob, the unhandled promise rejection handler won't be triggered, so we can't wait until all async jobs get completed to call executePendingJob, we must call executePendingJob immediately after each async job finishes to cancel other jobs fast.

BUT now new question comes: If we call executePendingJob after every single async job, why not remove the executePendingJob in the awaitAsyncJobs? Because executePendingJob is used to handle async job callbacks, and now every async job already has its own executePendingJob.

TelephoneTan commented 4 weeks ago

OK, I got it, without executePendingJob, the unhandled promise rejection handler won't be triggered, so we can't wait until all async jobs get completed to call executePendingJob, we must call executePendingJob immediately after each async job finishes to cancel other jobs fast.

BUT now new question comes: If we call executePendingJob after every single async job, why not remove the executePendingJob in the awaitAsyncJobs? Because executePendingJob is used to handle async job callbacks, and now every async job already has its own executePendingJob.

I think we can remove the executePendingJob in awaitAsyncJobs to make the code more clear and less confusing:

private suspend fun awaitAsyncJobs() {
     * This is our simple 'event loop'.
    while (true) {
        val jobs = jobsMutex.withLock { asyncJobs.filter { it.isActive } }
        if (jobs.isEmpty()) {
           // No jobs are running, no jobs will be added
        // old jobs finish, new jobs may be introduced by the old jobs

the initial jobs are introduced by evaluate, every batch of jobs may introduce new jobs when executing, so we loop until there are no new jobs.

dokar3 commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, this might look good but executePendingJob also executes pure js promise, if an async function or a promise does not call our binding functions, it won't get executed without executePendingJob.

async function call() {}
await call();

await new Promise((resolve) => {

We can probably move it out of the while(true) loop if it breaks nothing.

TelephoneTan commented 4 weeks ago

Then if the user await the Promise using pure JS, the evaluate would never know and return earlier before the Promise gets settled.

TelephoneTan commented 4 weeks ago

Then if the user await the Promise using pure JS, the evaluate would never know and return earlier before the Promise gets settled.

Even if we use executePendingJob in awaitAsyncJobs, executePendingJob could return 0(currently no jobs), if the user is using pure JS Promise, we can't tell from that if there is any Promise pending, the evaluate may return earlier.

So executePendingJob in evaluate doesn't seem to help if the user uses pure JS Promise.

dokar3 commented 4 weeks ago

It's necessary and it will help. See quickjs-libc's loop: quickjs-libc.c

I will also push some tests later.

TelephoneTan commented 4 weeks ago

If user doesn't use kotlin asyncFunction, there won't be jobs in asyncJobs, then how could evaluate wait for the js Promise?

dokar3 commented 4 weeks ago

Well, we don't need to wait for them, executePendingJob will execute them without waiting for anything.

TelephoneTan commented 3 weeks ago
private suspend fun awaitAsyncJobs() {
         jsMutex.withLock {
             do {
                 // Execute JS Promises, putting this in while(true) is unnecessary
                 // since we have the same loop after every asyncFunction call
                 val execResult = executePendingJob(runtime)
                 if (execResult is ExecuteJobResult.Failure) {
                     throw execResult.error
             } while (execResult == ExecuteJobResult.Success)
         while (true) {
             val jobs = jobsMutex.withLock { asyncJobs.filter { it.isActive } }
             if (jobs.isEmpty()) {
                 // No jobs to run

consider JS code like this:

new Promise((rs,re)=>{setTimeout(()=>rs(),10_000)}).then((v)=>console.log("timeout reached"))

There is no kotlin side asyncFunction here, so asyncJobs will always be empty.

What will executePendingJob do when JS code is waiting for timeout? Would it hang? Would it return ExecuteJobResult.Failure or ExecuteJobResult.NoJobs?

If executePendingJob returns ExecuteJobResult.Failure or ExecuteJobResult.NoJobs in this case, awaitAsyncJobs will fall through, return from the break statement, then the evaluate will return earlier than the JS code.

dokar3 commented 3 weeks ago


I don't think we can implement setTimeout without an asyncFunction binding.

TelephoneTan commented 3 weeks ago

OK, I got it.

The executePendingJob loop in awaitAsyncJobs is used to exhaust the non external-async JS codes and the the callbacks of external-async calls are left to the executePendingJob loop in invokeAsyncFunction.

dokar3 commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, that's right. Once we enter the loop in invokeAsyncFunction, it will execute any jobs.

dokar3 commented 3 weeks ago

Converting to discussion.