dokato / todor

TODOr - RStudio add-in for finding TODO, FIXME, CHANGED etc. comments in your code.
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Assign colours to categories #34

Open earcanal opened 4 years ago

earcanal commented 4 years ago

As a user, I'd like to assign colours to categories so I can easily see BUG, FIXME, TECHDEBT, BOOKMARK etc.

dokato commented 4 years ago

Hi @earcanal thanks for the ideas (this and #33 ) definately things to consider...

dokato commented 4 years ago

@earcanal did you see any other addin that creates coloured markers? I'm wondering if this is even possible.

earcanal commented 4 years ago

Sorry, that's way beyond my API knowledge! If you could do #33 then maybe there's a way to colour cell values. I thought this might be it

but I don't think that's what's used to present tabular data in RStudio. Maybe there's another way ...

dokato commented 4 years ago

hah, here ends mine too, so I passed that question forwards:, we'll see what they'll reply

GitHunter0 commented 3 years ago

This feature would be very useful indeed, I'm looking forward to it.

VScode, for example, has a great extension that does that:

@dokato , I have a question, why TODO and FIXME are highlighted in the editor with a blue color, while the other tags (NOTE, BUG, REVIEW, ...) are not?


Would it be possible to extend the behavior to all the tags as default? It would be really helpful.

Thank you

Farbfetzen commented 3 years ago

@GitHunter0 The highlighting of TODO and FIXME is a feature of RStudio itself and has nothing to do with the addin.

GitHunter0 commented 3 years ago

@BastiHz , that makes total sense. But then maybe looking at RStudio's code might help to solve this request

Patrikios commented 2 years ago

Would definitely increase ergonomy of the package, at least in RStudio. One would need to alter the .rstheme I guess like follows: