doki-theme / doki-theme-visualstudio

Cute anime character themes for Visual Studio.
MIT License
121 stars 8 forks source link

Blurry stickers #56

Open Hedan-13 opened 1 year ago

Hedan-13 commented 1 year ago

Hi! First of all, I must say that love this themes for Visual Studio. But after the last update, the stickers just don't look right. Looks with poor quality. I try increasing the zoom, because, changing the zoom, change the looks of the sticker, but have to set the zoom around 266% for the sticker to look good, but when change the font to the minimun size, the sticker gets all broken again.

Add a screen, to show how to look with zoom at 100% image

And zoom at 259% image

Thanks again for your great work!!! <3 <3 <3

Unthrottled commented 1 year ago

Hey! Thanks!

I will look at this a bit harder, was hard to distinguish the issue. It's apparent after zooming in the provided images. Will look into reproducing & a fix.

Unthrottled commented 1 year ago

Here is my visual studio information

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022
Version 17.4.4
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.8.04084

Installed Version: Community

ASP.NET and Web Tools   17.4.326.54890
ASP.NET and Web Tools

Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0   17.4.326.54890
Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0

C# Tools   4.4.0-6.22608.27+af1e46ad38d900023f8b1a2839484e471ece1502
C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Common Azure Tools   1.10
Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.

Microsoft JVM Debugger   1.0
Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines

NuGet Package Manager   6.4.0
NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit

SQL Server Data Tools   17.0.62207.28050
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools

SQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox   4.8
SQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox adds scripting, import, export, rename, query execution and much more to SQL Server Compact & SQLite Data Connections.

TypeScript Tools   17.0.10921.2001
TypeScript Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Basic Tools   4.4.0-6.22608.27+af1e46ad38d900023f8b1a2839484e471ece1502
Visual Basic components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Visual F# Tools   17.4.0-beta.22512.4+525d5109e389341bb90b144c24e2ad1ceec91e7b
Microsoft Visual F# Tools

Visual Studio IntelliCode   2.2
AI-assisted development for Visual Studio.

Are you running windows 11? I am on 10 still. I've also got a 4k monitor scaled to 125%

I am having issues replicating the poor scaling issue.

Hedan-13 commented 1 year ago

Still on Windows 10. Using a notebook 14" at 1366x768 resolution. Try pluging other monitor at full HD (1920x1080) and getting the same issue.

Here is my visual information for compare

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022
Version 17.4.4
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.8.09037

Installed Version: Community

Visual C++ 2022   00476-80000-00000-AA327
Microsoft Visual C++ 2022

ADL Tools Service Provider   1.0
This package contains services used by Data Lake tools

ASA Service Provider   1.0

ASP.NET and Web Tools   17.4.326.54890
ASP.NET and Web Tools

ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2012   17.4.326.54890
For additional information, visit

Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0   17.4.326.54890
Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0

Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio   2.6.5000.0
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio

Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools   17.4.326.54890
Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools

Azure Stream Analytics Tools for Visual Studio   2.6.5000.0
Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics Tools for Visual Studio

C# Tools   4.4.0-6.22608.27+af1e46ad38d900023f8b1a2839484e471ece1502
C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Common Azure Tools   1.10
Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.

Cookiecutter   17.0.22263.6
Provides tools for finding, instantiating and customizing templates in cookiecutter format.

Extensibility Message Bus   1.4.1 (main@2ee106a)
Provides common messaging-based MEF services for loosely coupled Visual Studio extension components communication and integration.

IncrediBuild Build Acceleration
IncrediBuild effectively reduces compilation and development times by up to 90%.

Linux Core Dump Debugging
Enables debugging of Linux core dumps.

Microsoft Azure Hive Query Language Service   2.6.5000.0
Language service for Hive query

Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics Language Service   2.6.5000.0
Language service for Azure Stream Analytics

Microsoft Azure Tools for Visual Studio   2.9
Support for Azure Cloud Services projects

Microsoft JVM Debugger   1.0
Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines

Mono Debugging for Visual Studio   17.4.19 (8c0a575)
Support for debugging Mono processes with Visual Studio.

Node.js Tools   1.5.40817.1 Commit Hash:66443775f9f3b1d8f8fee47af5002828b346688d
Adds support for developing and debugging Node.js apps in Visual Studio

NuGet Package Manager   6.4.0
NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit

Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio   17.0.32915.00
Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio

Python - Django support   17.0.22263.6
Provides templates and integration for the Django web framework.

Python - Profiling support   17.0.22263.6
Profiling support for Python projects.

Python with Pylance   17.0.22263.6
Provides IntelliSense, projects, templates, debugging, interactive windows, and other support for Python developers.

Razor (ASP.NET Core)
Provides languages services for ASP.NET Core Razor.

SQL Server Data Tools   17.0.62207.28050
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools

Test Adapter for Boost.Test   1.0
Enables Visual Studio's testing tools with unit tests written for Boost.Test.  The use terms and Third Party Notices are available in the extension installation directory.

Test Adapter for Google Test   1.0
Enables Visual Studio's testing tools with unit tests written for Google Test.  The use terms and Third Party Notices are available in the extension installation directory.

ToolWindowHostedEditor   1.0
Hosting json editor into a tool window

TypeScript Tools   17.0.10921.2001
TypeScript Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Basic Tools   4.4.0-6.22608.27+af1e46ad38d900023f8b1a2839484e471ece1502
Visual Basic components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Visual C++ for Cross Platform Mobile Development (Android)   17.0.33006.217
Visual C++ for Cross Platform Mobile Development (Android)

Visual C++ for Linux Development
Visual C++ for Linux Development

Visual F# Tools   17.4.0-beta.22512.4+525d5109e389341bb90b144c24e2ad1ceec91e7b
Microsoft Visual F# Tools

Visual Studio IntelliCode   2.2
AI-assisted development for Visual Studio.

VisualStudio.DeviceLog   1.0
Information about my package

VisualStudio.Mac   1.0
Mac Extension for Visual Studio

VSPackage Extension   1.0
VSPackage Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info

Workflow Manager Tools 1.0   1.0
This package contains the necessary Visual Studio integration components for Workflow Manager.

Xamarin (d17-4@be7e8d1)
Visual Studio extension to enable development for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.

Xamarin Designer (remotes/origin/d17-4@d36bba3cc9)
Visual Studio extension to enable Xamarin Designer tools in Visual Studio.

Xamarin Templates   17.4.2 (c457c97)
Templates for building iOS, Android, and Windows apps with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms.

Xamarin.Android SDK (d17-4/13ba222)
Xamarin.Android Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support.
    Mono: a96bde9
    Java.Interop: xamarin/java.interop/d17-4@fcc33ce2
    SQLite: xamarin/sqlite/3.39.3@23e1ae7
    Xamarin.Android Tools: xamarin/xamarin-android-tools/main@0be567a

Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac SDK (933c6c2c9)
Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support.


Unthrottled commented 1 year ago

Okay, thanks for the extra information!

in the meantime you can just download the vsix file from the previous release , that should fix your issue

Hedan-13 commented 1 year ago

Thanks!!! using the previous release works perfect with zoom at 100% image ❤️❤️❤️

leoshusar commented 1 year ago

Hi! I have similar problem on ultrawide monitor - my sticker is zoomed based on the width of the window. On ultrawide too big.

Is this related or should I create separate issue?

Unthrottled commented 1 year ago


On the latest release

You can go to the content settings and play with the StickerRelativeSize setting.

Set it to -1 for the default behavior or any value greater than 0 and less than one 1 for sizing relative to your viewport. If the non-zero non-negative numbers do not work as expected, then submit an issue (like having a ulta-wide screen & setting the IDE to fullscreen)