dokku / ansible-dokku

Ansible modules for installing and configuring Dokku
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dokku_packages_state doesn't support version pinning #162

Open strugee opened 1 year ago

strugee commented 1 year ago

Description of problem

dokku_version and friends are marked deprecated in favor of dokku_packages_state, but the latter doesn't support pinning the Dokku version. I'm uncomfortable simply specifying latest in a world where Dokku still routinely ships breaking changes.

Seems like this should take either the current values or a version number? I might also be misunderstanding the impetus for this deprecation - I'm guessing it's to avoid specifying conflicting *_version numbers, but I could be wrong.

Omitting the rest of the issue template since it obviously isn't relevant.

ltalirz commented 1 year ago

hey @strugee , the reasoning is explained in but I've held off merging this PR since I also had my doubts (see also

Do I take it correctly, that you would agree with ?

Let me know what you would prefer

AndrewKvalheim commented 1 year ago

137 discusses the unpinning of Dokku’s dependencies, which makes sense as the dependencies are already managed by the package and need not be doubly specified.

What comes as a surprise is its unpinning Dokku itself at the top level. Dokku’s documentation instructs us to read the migration guides prior to upgrading, making manual control over Dokku’s version a requirement.

josegonzalez commented 1 year ago

I wonder if we should make it present instead of latest as default.

On the dokku side, what can I do to help decrease the pain around upgrades? Once we hit a 1.0 (I hope this year) I don't expect any more breaking changes (just lots of warnings until the next major), but what can I do keep in mind as part of my release process?

josegonzalez commented 1 year ago

I also want to say that all the dokku dependencies usually (but not always) have much stronger backwards compatibility guarantees as I don't control whether someone upgrades just dokku vs everything.

AndrewKvalheim commented 1 year ago

On the dokku side, what can I do to help decrease the pain around upgrades?

Thanks, but I don’t have any pains in mind; where I’m coming from is just trying to follow the instructions and set up our host correctly. Dokku may make breaking changes, therefore upgrades require human review.

ltalirz commented 1 year ago

137 discusses the unpinning of Dokku’s dependencies, which makes sense as the dependencies are already managed by the package and need not be doubly specified.

If you look at the code, the PR would actually also remove the dokku_version configuration option, leaving only the dokku_packages_state option.

I wonder if we should make it present instead of latest as default.

@josegonzalez This is already the case, see If you do not specify dokku_version explicitly, it will install the latest version at the first run, and then keep any present version.

If I understand correctly, then we would all agree with the following solution:

Does that sound reasonable?

strugee commented 1 year ago makes a lot of sense to me!

@josegonzalez I'll also echo what @AndrewKvalheim said (though caveat, we do work together on SeaGL) - there aren't any pain points per se, and quite frankly we actually had been accidentally upgrading Dokku every Ansible run without even knowing it for a while and never hit any problems which is a testament to how sensible things have been. But it makes me nervous to have this stuff somewhat auto-updating when we have, for example, an active conference Call for Proposals relying on it being up and stable. That'll be the case post-1.0 too; while obviously the additional compat guarantees are nice, I'd still like to be firmly in the driver's seat when we upgrade so we can do a quick smoketest just in case and rollback if things go awry.

(As an aside, thanks to you all your hard work on Dokku, its Ansible playbook, etc. - it's been such a pleasure to use for us and has allowed us to accomplish much more, much faster than we otherwise would've been able to. That speed was a massive help right around crunch time last year!)