dokku / ansible-dokku

Ansible modules for installing and configuring Dokku
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dokku_config: allow list type #55

Open decentral1se opened 4 years ago

decentral1se commented 4 years ago

TASK [Configure the environment] ***** fatal: [gitea]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "meta": {"error": "All values must be keys, found invalid types for WHITELISTED_URIS", "present": false}, "msg": "All values must be keys, found invalid types for WHITELISTED_URIS"}

WHITELISTED_URIS: : If non-empty, list of POSIX regex patterns matching OpenID URI’s to permit.

So, I need to add the following config:

    - name: config env
        app: gitea
          WHITELISTED_URIS: [""]

Shall we widen up the types that are accepted?

decentral1se commented 4 years ago

Actually, also "Foo: true" fails as well, which is pretty typical in an Ansible play. Looks like is the issue here. I think a bool should be easy to allow also. I imagine "FOO: 12" will also break then.

josegonzalez commented 4 years ago

The error should say All values must be strings.

josegonzalez commented 4 years ago

Description here as to my reasoning.

decentral1se commented 4 years ago

Hmmm, Ansible does the following regarding trying to convert bools:

def to_bool(a):
    ''' return a bool for the arg '''
    if a is None or isinstance(a, bool):
        return a
    if isinstance(a, string_types):
        a = a.lower()
    if a in ('yes', 'on', '1', 'true', 1):
        return True
    return False

So, we could do that to address you concern in We can extend the "in" check to cover other values that you might use / expect for truthiness.

I understand why it works the way it works now but it unfortunately breaks a very common expectation when writing Ansible plays that you can use integers, bools and not quote booleans. That is confusing coming from a strictly Ansible side of things.

josegonzalez commented 4 years ago

The problem here is that folks won't be able to specify the difference between True (string) and True (bool) values, so trying to set those as values may result in issues at the application level. For instance, you might set true expecting that as the literal string, but then it gets set as the literal True string when we call config:set. The underlying Dokku command does not distinguish between value types, so attempting to support custom value types doesn't make sense insofar as I don't want to publish rules on how we serialize things.

The rule that you can use different types within Ansible only applies to when the input expects that. We do not, and the module expects a string value. Trying to coerce the value here doesn't make sense at all since you're attempting to set a literal value in your app's environment.

decentral1se commented 4 years ago

Makes sense! I'll get a docs patch in to avoid this being raised up again :sun_behind_large_cloud:

ltalirz commented 2 years ago

@decentral1se Is the docs patch in? Can we close this?