Closed justintemps closed 6 years ago
I don't think the export is actually a tar. The readme we have is wrong, but if you run dokku mongo:help export
, you'll see the correct usage.
Here is the restore command I am using currently. Works like a charm:
dns=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=Test --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].PublicDnsName' --output text)
aws s3 cp s3://{bucket}/{file}.tgz {file}.tgz
tar -xvf {file}.tgz
# i am on a different box so i need to copy to the server
scp -r backup/export ubuntu@$dns:~/
ssh ubuntu@$dns << EOF
dokku mongo:import {app} < export
Hope that helps
@josegonzalez Thanks so much for the fast response! Here's what dokku mongo:help export
export a dump of the MongoDB service database
service service to run command against
by default, datastore output is exported to stdout
dokku mongo:export lolipop
you can redirect this output to a file
dokku mongo:export lolipop > lolipop.dump
export a dump of the MongoDB service database
service service to run command against
by default, datastore output is exported to stdout
dokku mongo:export lolipop
you can redirect this output to a file
dokku mongo:export lolipop > lolipop.dump
I still can't figure out what kind of file it is or how to import it into another mongo instance via mongorestore.
Looks like its the gzip output of mongodump
To restore, it should be this command or similar locally.
Thanks @josegonzalez! Turned out to be pretty simple
mongorestore --gzip --archive=mydatabase.dump
This is essentially the same problem as described in #84 and was supposed to have been resolved in ed7acd3.
However, I continue having the same problem whether I try to do the export remotely or after I've ssh'd into my server.
My goal is to export the data from dokku-mongo on my staging server and import it into a local instance of mongo running on localhost (OSX). To do that, I believe I need to be able to export a valid .bson file, which is what I'm guessing the .tar from dokku mongo:export should give me.
This is using DO Dokku One-Click