dokterdok / Continuity-Activation-Tool

An all-in-one tool to activate and diagnose macOS 10.10-12 Continuity on compatible Mac configurations.
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Does your apple watch unlock MBA 2011mid? #388

Open Gurbull opened 7 years ago

Gurbull commented 7 years ago

Airdrop - works. Handoff - works. Unlock with watch - doesn't work ( i cannot see the "Allow your Apple Watch to Unlock Your Mac" option.) MacOS sierra 10.12.2 MBA mid 2011. Apple watch series 1 (os 3.2)

spiritphyz commented 7 years ago

377 Even if you have Bluetooth 4.0 support, Apple Watch uses 802.11v for a proximity check, so unlocking the laptop using only the Bluetooth connection won't work. Also, Macbooks older than Mid 2013 don't have 802.11v support.

@bushwin's original comments:

bushwin gave this reference, where someone researched the requirement for 802.11ac and Apple Watch: