An update where the sqlite helper plugin is applied to do all the sqlite work for BlogTNG. The sqlite plugin has already upgrade features and is maintained regularly.
This plugin let you upgrade you from sqlite2 to sqlite3 when available
This plugin can only update your database when sqlite2 & sqlite3 are installed. Otherwise you need to upgrade manually, see its instructions.
During upgrade the old sqlite2 version of the database is kept unchanged as [dokuwiki]/data/meta/blogtng.sqlite, the new sqlite3 database is now created at [dokuwiki]/data/meta/blogtng.sqlite3
An update where the sqlite helper plugin is applied to do all the sqlite work for BlogTNG. The sqlite plugin has already upgrade features and is maintained regularly.
During upgrade the old sqlite2 version of the database is kept unchanged as
, the new sqlite3 database is now created at[dokuwiki]/data/meta/blogtng.sqlite3
Please report all your issues at the please.
There are also some addition changes in the branch. The most important one is that page that are no blog entry, aren't stored anymore in the database.
General changelog:
is placeholder for the configured default values~~READMORE~~
in lists and tables are truncated at nice and correct way<blog *>
use nowlistwrap