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wikisyntaxok option and Toolbar #322

Open chtiland opened 2 years ago

chtiland commented 2 years ago

Hello !

It would be nice to be able to enable wikisyntaxok option, but also have an option to hide toolbar. When wikisyntaxok is set "true", entire toolbar is displayed, but when you set many buttons (custombutton plugin) that are only for editors, visitors can also see these buttons and some they should not.

The only way to disable toolbar is to set wikisyntaxok "off", but no more wiki syntax can't be used (it's displayed as text), and this can be really "frustrating" when you need to reply with a link(1) or an picture.

So, It would be nice to distinguish these "options", one suggestion (discussion is open šŸ˜‰ ) I can do is :

Best, would be to be able to define groups (Dokuwiki ACL) for each option (coma separated values) E.g. :

Another idea for "Light toolbar", would be to be able to set it's own button through a config file that should look like this

Bold      **{{SELECTED}}**               icon:bold.png
Italic    //{{SELECTED}}//               icon:italic.png
Link      [[{{SELECTED}}|{{CURSOR}}]]    icon.png

However, that's only suggestions for this nice plugin, but since I use it it's really something that I missed, don't know if others users would agreed.

Thanks for reading šŸ˜„

(1) _Nowadays most of people didn't even know how to copy/paste a link, or they copy paste it in search engine field, not in url toolbar of their browser_ (2) _Specific toolbar for discussion plugin that would not have nothing to deal with Dokuwiki's one.