dokufreaks / plugin-include

A DokuWiki plugin for including other wiki pages into the current one.
GNU General Public License v2.0
62 stars 54 forks source link

Added option to include backlinking pages #247

Open andjar opened 4 years ago

andjar commented 4 years ago


I have tried to add an option so that you can use


in addition to tagtopic etc. It will include the pages linking to [pagename]. Only pages tagged with the provided [includetag] will be included. It only looks in the namespace of [pagename].

michitux commented 4 years ago

Some first comments:

andjar commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your comments, @michitux! They are a nice starting point for further development

To the most complicated point; I chose to use "inclusion" tags to try to avoid some of the problems you are mentioning. As long as you only include backlinks across tagspace I think you should be fine; i.e. if pages a, b, c, d are tagged "small" and A, B, C, D are tagged "capital", one should only include backlinks to A tagged with "small" and so on. It is far from perfect, but I too had roam in my thoughts; demo

michitux commented 4 years ago

Thank you for that demo, that made things a bit clearer and looks super cool. Two thoughts:

michitux commented 4 years ago

Another note: Having a closer look at Roam I noticed that my tagextract plugin prototype might be another missing piece for implementing Roam in DokuWiki. Basically it allows you to tag individual list items and then on a separate page include all items with a certain tag. During inclusion, these tags are transformed into links back to the original list item. Probably this not a perfect fit but it should be a good demo how this could be implemented. I think it should be possible to implement something similar with regular links, i.e., that list items (or paragraphs) with links to a certain page are collected together. If you are interested in this feel free to contact me. I won't have much time till next weekend, but afterwards I might have some time occasionally.

andjar commented 4 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late answer, I'll answer you in depth later. I have made a prototype of a plugin autocreating missing pages:

  1. Install the autostartpage plugin
  2. Create your _autostartpage.txt pages
  3. Edit action.php in the autostartpage plugin to:
 * DokuWiki Plugin autostartpage (Action Component)
 * @license GPL 2
 * @author  Charles Knight <>

// must be run within Dokuwiki
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();

class action_plugin_autostartpage extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin {

     * Registers a callback function for a given event
     * @param Doku_Event_Handler $controller DokuWiki's event controller object
     * @return void
    public function register(Doku_Event_Handler &$controller) {
       $controller->register_hook('IO_WIKIPAGE_WRITE', 'AFTER', $this, 'autostartpage_handle');

     * [Custom event handler which performs action]
     * @author Charles Knight,
     * @param Doku_Event $event  event object by reference
     * @param mixed      $param  [the parameters passed as fifth argument to register_hook() when this
     *                           handler was registered]
     * @return void

    public function autostartpage_handle(Doku_Event &$event, $param) {
        global $conf;
        global $INFO;
        $data = $event->data;

        global $conf;

        if (!defined('LINK_PATTERN')) define('LINK_PATTERN', '%\[\[([^\]|#]*)(#[^\]|]*)?\|?([^\]]*)]]%');

        if(!preg_match("/.*\.txt$/", $file)) {

        $currentID = pathID($file);
        $currentNS = getNS($currentID);

        if($conf['allowdebug']) echo sprintf("<p><b>%s</b>: %s</p>\n", $file, $currentID);

        // echo "  <!-- checking file: $file -->\n";
        $body = io_readFile($file);

        // ignores entries in blocks that ignore links
        foreach( array(
                  '@^( {2,}|\t)[^\*\- ].*?$@mu',
        as $ignored )
            $body = preg_replace($ignored, '',  $body);

        $links = array();
        $missinglinks = array();
        preg_match_all( LINK_PATTERN, $body, $links );
        $cc = 1;
        foreach($links[1] as $link) {
            if($conf['allowdebug']) echo sprintf("--- Checking %s<br />\n", $link);

            if( (0 < strlen(ltrim($link)))
            and ! preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+>{1}.*$/u',$link) // Interwiki
            and ! preg_match('/^\\\\\\\\[\w.:?\-;,]+?\\\\/u',$link) // Windows Share
            and ! preg_match('#^([a-z0-9\-\.+]+?)://#i',$link) // external link (accepts all protocols)
            and ! preg_match('<'.PREG_PATTERN_VALID_EMAIL.'>',$link) // E-Mail (pattern above is defined in inc/mail.php)
            and ! preg_match('!^#.+!',$link) // inside page link (html anchor)
            ) {
                # remove parameters
                $link = preg_replace('/\?.*/', '', $link);

                $pageExists = false;
                resolve_pageid($data[1], $link, $pageExists );
                resolve_pageid($currentNS, $link, $pageExists );
                if ($conf['allowdebug']) echo sprintf("---- link='%s' %s ", $link, $pageExists?'EXISTS':'MISS');

                if(((strlen(ltrim($link)) > 0)           // there IS an id?
                and !auth_quickaclcheck($link) < AUTH_READ)) {
                    // should be visible to user
                    //echo "      <!-- adding $link -->\n";

                    if($conf['allowdebug']) echo ' A_LINK' ;

                    $link= utf8_strtolower( $link );
                    if($conf['allowdebug']) echo ' EMPTY_OR_FORBIDDEN' ;
            } // link is not empty and is a local link?
            else {
                if($conf['allowdebug']) echo ' NOT_INTERNAL';

            if($conf['allowdebug']) echo "<br />\n";

            if($pageExists == FALSE){
                $missinglinks[$cc] = $link;

        $cc = 1;
        foreach($missinglinks as $missinglink){

            $templatefile = wikiFN($this->getConf('templatefile'), '', false);

            $id = $missinglink;
            $ns = getNS($id);
            $page = noNS($id);

            $ns_sepchar = ":";

            $parent=implode($ns_sepchar, array_splice(preg_split("/".preg_quote($ns_sepchar, "/")."/", $ns), 0, -1));
            $goodns=preg_replace("/".$conf['sepchar']."/"," ",noNS($ns));
            $page=preg_replace("/".$conf['sepchar']."/"," ",noNS($id));

            // @ID@         full ID of the page
            // @NS@         namespace of the page
            // @PAGE@       page name (ID without namespace and underscores replaced by spaces)
            // @!PAGE@      same as above but with the first character uppercased
            // @!!PAGE@     same as above but with the first character of all words uppercased
            // @!PAGE!@     same as above but with all characters uppercased
            // @FILE@       page name (ID without namespace, underscores kept as is)
            // @!FILE@      same as above but with the first character uppercased
            // @!FILE!@     same as above but with all characters uppercased
            // @USER@       ID of user who is creating the page
            // @NAME@       name of user who is creating the page
            // @MAIL@       mail address of user who is creating the page
            // @DATE@       date and time when edit session started
            /**PLUS WE ADDED THESE**/
            // @!NS@        namespace of the page (with spaces) but with the first character uppercased
            // @!!NS@       namespace of the page (with spaces) but with the first character of all words uppercased
            // @!!NS!@      namespace of the page (with spaces) but with all characters uppercased
            // @PARENT@     the name of the parent namespace. Blank if parent is top
            // @DATE=STRFTIME@   Where `STRFTIME` is a strftime configure string of page creation time,
            //       e.g. %a %d-%m-%y => Thu 06-12-12

            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@NS@/", $ns, $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@!NS@/", ucfirst($goodns), $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@!!NS@/", ucwords($goodns), $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@!!NS!@/", strtoupper($goodns), $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@ID@/", $id, $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@PAGE@/",$page, $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@!PAGE@/",ucfirst($page), $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@!!PAGE@/",$uupage=ucwords($page), $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@!PAGE!@/",strtoupper($page), $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@FILE@/",$f, $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@!FILE@/",ucfirst($f), $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@!FILE!@/",strtoupper($f), $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@USER@/",$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@NAME@/",$INFO['userinfo']['name'], $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@MAIL@/",$INFO['userinfo']['mail'], $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@DATE@/",strftime("%D"), $wikitext);
            $wikitext=preg_replace("/@PARENT@/",$parent, $wikitext);
            if(preg_match("/@DATE=(.*)@/", $wikitext, $matches)){
                $wikitext=str_replace($matches[0], strftime($matches[1]), $wikitext);

            saveWikiText($missinglink, $wikitext, "autostartpage", $minor = false); 


Best, Anders