dokufreaks / plugin-include

A DokuWiki plugin for including other wiki pages into the current one.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Feature request: Include page according to STRUCT data from current page #308

Open GarryTime opened 6 months ago

GarryTime commented 6 months ago

When using the struct plugin it would be nice to be able to include pages that are determined in the struct metadata of the current page.

Example: The current page has a struct schema associated "issue" to it with the field "customerID". I have a page with data on this customer in a namespace calles "customers".

If I were able to use this syntax to include the page with the customer data the included page would automatically update when changing the customerID, e.g. when there was a wrong input


The struct documentation states how to call a value from struct metadata assiciated with the page [] This only works with text though.

An integration would add a lot of value to both, the struct and include plugin.