dolcalmi / lnurl-pay

Client library for lnurl-pay and lightning address
20 stars 7 forks source link

Buffer not found error, in react app #8

Closed pavanjoshi914 closed 2 years ago

pavanjoshi914 commented 2 years ago

Error:: image


import {requestInvoice} from 'lnurl-pay';
import { Satoshis } from 'lnurl-pay/dist/types/types';

async function pay(song) {
  const tokenvalue: Satoshis = 10 as Satoshis;
  const { invoice } =
  await requestInvoice({
    lnUrlOrAddress: "",
    tokens: tokenvalue,
    comment: "Buy Song",


Environment:: create-react-app with webpack version 5.64.4


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bumi commented 2 years ago

does this help: - is this releated?

bumi commented 2 years ago

I just tested this again and I think we should make it easier to use in the browser. Many apps are client side apps. seems that the bech32 depends on the buffer but I think we could refactor that to get rid of it.

dolcalmi commented 2 years ago

I just tested this again and I think we should make it easier to use in the browser. Many apps are client side apps. seems that the bech32 depends on the buffer but I think we could refactor that to get rid of it.

yep, also just updated the dependencies and axios force me to add a lot of fallbacks... I will try to find some time this month but PRs are wellcome

dolcalmi commented 2 years ago

does this help: #3 (comment) - is this releated?

yes... fallback is required