dolezsa / thermal_comfort

Thermal Comfort sensor for HA (absolute humidity, heat index, dew point, thermal perception)
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Question how to interpret the values #212

Open xBourner opened 1 year ago

xBourner commented 1 year ago

So this is not an issue but I have some questions regarding the values of this integration. my problem is that I have a high humidity in my apartment and I want to face against this in a smart way. got some Aqara multi sensors which measure temperature and humidity in all rooms.

the average humidity is somewhere between 60-70% in autumn/winter. due to cold days outside I don't want to have the windows open for the whole day. I open them for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes when I'm back from work. with open windows I get to 50-60% of relative humidity. after closing them I get back to higher values very fast.

I red about comparing absolute humidity values to know when I should open my windows. but absolute humidity is around 7 g/m³ outside and around 10 g/m³ inside. with this values i almost have to open the windows al the time. after closing them and waiting for 5-10 minutes I'm above outside absolute humidity again.

thermal perception is comfortable or very comfortable so I assume the values are good. this confuses me a bit.

so did anyone made some automation with notifications when to open (and close again) the window? thanks for this nice component and thanks for any help!

Edit: I also think this info would be a nice addition to the readme. I could help with writing some documentation :)

rautesamtr commented 1 year ago

Hi those a pretty complex topics and at the moment we assume people know why and what for they use the values. On the other hand i think it would be great to put together some suggestions, ideas and tips for usage in the wiki. Personally i don't have the time for that additional task.

I started using thermal comfort for the same reason as you and that's for checking when to air my apartment in regards of humidity. Using absolute humidity worked for me, but that's because you have to certain goals. For me it helps mostly to check in summer if it's ok to air so my apartment doesn't get humid.

In your case try to check how it feels for you. The thermal comfort sensor is just a statistical model how a set of people has been comfortable under that conditions nothing more and nothing less. On the other hand high humidity could be a problem in regards of mold while it could feel comfortable to you.

In you situation there could be several reasons why your humidity rises back that fast again. Humid sources, humid walls, good insulation, temperature?… I usually air twice a day for about 10 minutes in winter and humidity decreases measurably over time.