dolezsa / thermal_comfort

Thermal Comfort sensor for HA (absolute humidity, heat index, dew point, thermal perception)
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Not Functioning from Yaml #286

Closed Mjohannesson closed 1 year ago

Mjohannesson commented 1 year ago

I have 8 thermal comfort sensors configured in yaml. They are no longer working.

The GUI popup is incomplete in english (missing descriptions) and seems to only allow the adding of a single instance of thermal_comfort.

Running 2.1 with latest HA.

This has been going on for a while. I can't make the new yaml format work. Even when it passed the config checker it errored out the the "old format in V2 error message"

Looking for some direction or an example of more than 1 bare-minimum config sensors.

Thanks for this excellent component, I make significant use of dewpoint and absolute humidity to control my interior humidity with an HRV.


rautesamtr commented 1 year ago

could you post your yaml?

Mjohannesson commented 1 year ago

Once I moved the Thermal Comfort instances out of the sensors section of the configuration file it was no longer erroring out.

Then i noticed _dewpoint had been changed to _dew_point, which meant updating template sensors and automations.

Back working now, thanks so much for this component. Just installing a whole home dehumidifier so I really needed this.


rautesamtr commented 1 year ago

Hi the old configuration format has been deprecated since 2.0