dolezsa / thermal_comfort

Thermal Comfort sensor for HA (absolute humidity, heat index, dew point, thermal perception)
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Your Thom Index (THI) is wrong #369

Open Percherie opened 2 months ago

Percherie commented 2 months ago


I use the Thom (THI) to obtain a comfort index. The simplified formula is (valid for C°) THI = T - [(0.55- 0.0055 . U) . (T- 14.5)] Source :

Interface for HA "Comfortable Environment Card has used the work of the National Weather Service for its calculations and arrives at the same results using the complete and detailed formulae

For example, with 19.4°C and 42% U, the THI should be 17.8369 and you tell me that the index should be 15.37. "The Comfortable Environment Card gives me the right information.

I suppose there's an anomaly if we use F° or C°. Can you make a correction along these lines?