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Help command not working correctly #464

Closed vined-underscore closed 1 year ago

vined-underscore commented 1 year ago


When using a custom help command in 1.9.2, it used to work normally, but after updating to 2.0.0a2, it stopped working and using an on_command event it just spams the command in the logging. (After a while it spams the help command on Discord too)

Reproduction Steps

Overriding the default help command and loading it as a cog.


on_command event:

async def on_command(self, ctx):
  if not config.logging: return
  msg = ctx.message

  if ==
    if msg.content.startswith(f"{main.prefix}help"):
      await msg.edit(delete_after = 15.5)

  now =
  time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y")
  print(f"{F.LIGHTBLACK_EX}[{time}] {F.GREEN}Sent command {F.WHITE}| {F.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{msg.content} {F.LIGHTWHITE_EX}at {f'#{}' if not isinstance(, discord.DMChannel) else}")

Help command:

import main
import selfcord as discord
from selfcord.ext import commands as vbot

invisible_cogs = ['nitro sniper', 'events', 'errorhandler']

class HelpCommand(
    async def send_bot_help(self, mapping):
        desc = []
        for cog, cmds in mapping.items():
            if cog is None or cog.qualified_name.lower() in invisible_cogs:

            cmds = await self.filter_commands(cmds, sort=True)

            desc.append(f"- {cog.qualified_name}: {len(cmds)} commands")

        desc = "\n".join(desc)

        msg = f"""```yaml
> Made by {} | {main.__author_id__} <

- {len([command for command in])} Commands (and subcommands) -  VBot v{main.__version__}

< ---|-


-|--- >

- Run {self.context.clean_prefix}{self.invoked_with} [category] to learn more about a category and its commands
- The category name must be case-sensitive. Example: "{self.context.clean_prefix}help Fun"```"""
        await self.get_destination().send(msg, delete_after = 15)

    async def send_group_help(self, group):
        desc = ""
        cmd_desc = \
        f"Name: {}\nCategory: {group.cog_name}\nInfo: { or group.short_doc or group.description}\n\n" \
        f"Aliases:\n - {', '.join(group.aliases) if group.aliases else 'None'}\n\n" \
        f"Usage: {} {group.signature}"
        cmds = await self.filter_commands(group.commands, sort=True)
        for c in cmds:
            desc += f"  - {self.context.clean_prefix}{c.qualified_name}: {c.description or 'no help Information'}\n"

        msg = f"""```yaml
> Made by {} | {main.__author_id__} <

Group Info: {group.qualified_name}

< ---|-


Group Commands:

-|--- >

- [optional], <required>, "=" indicates the default value
- Run {self.context.clean_prefix}{self.invoked_with} {} [subcommand] to learn more about a subcommand```"""
        await self.get_destination().send(msg, delete_after = 15)

    async def send_command_help(self, cmd):
        desc = \
        f"Name: {}\nCategory: {cmd.cog_name}\nInfo: { or cmd.short_doc or cmd.description}\n\n" \
        f"Aliases:\n - {', '.join(cmd.aliases) if cmd.aliases else 'None'}\n\n" \
        f"Usage: {} {cmd.signature}"

        msg = f"""```yaml
> Made by {} | {main.__author_id__} <

Command Info: {cmd.qualified_name}

< ---|-


-|--- >

- [optional], <required>, "=" indicates the default value```"""
        await self.get_destination().send(msg, delete_after = 15)

    async def send_cog_help(self, cog):
        cmds = await self.filter_commands(cog.get_commands(), sort=True)
        cmds = "\n".join(f"- {self.context.clean_prefix}{}: {cmd.description or cmd.short_doc}" for cmd in cmds)
        msg = f"""```yaml
> Made by {} | {main.__author_id__} <

Category Info: {cog.qualified_name}

< ---|-


-|--- >

- Run {self.context.clean_prefix}{self.invoked_with} [command] to learn more about a command```"""
        await self.get_destination().send(msg, delete_after = 15)

    def command_not_found(self, string: str, /) -> str:
        return f"```yaml\n- No command called \"{string}\" found.\n- Use \"{self.context.clean_prefix}help\" to see a list of all the commands.```"

    def subcommand_not_found(self, command, string: str, /) -> str:
        if isinstance(command, discord.Group) and len(command.all_commands) > 0:
            return f"```yaml\n- Command \"{command.qualified_name}\" has no subcommand named {string}.\n- Do \"{self.context.clean_prefix}help [{command.qualified_name}] to see a list of all the subcommands.```"

        return f"```yaml\n- Command \"{command.qualified_name}\" has no subcommands.```"

async def setup(client):
    client._default_help_command = client.help_command
    client.help_command = HelpCommand()

def teardown(client):
    client.help_command = client._default_help_command

Expected Results

Help command sends once.

Actual Results

The help command gets spammed in the logging and after a few minutes it gets spammed in the chat too.

System Information


Additional Information

There is no traceback. I am using selfcord but it also did the same thing with 2.0.0a2. image image

vined-underscore commented 1 year ago

Sending the help command in a DM doesn't spam it instantly but sending it in a channel does.

vined-underscore commented 1 year ago

For some reason removing this:

  if ==
    if msg.content.startswith(f"{main.prefix}help"):
      await msg.edit(delete_after = 15.5)

in the on_command event fixed it.